Is Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) any good?

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Good Enough for me

ufw allow {22,443,80,51820}
Do you need more?

firewalld is better.


ufw allow {443}

Best windows firewall?

why would I want to enable incoming traffic for http and https, can you name some scenarios?

winget install -i BiniSoft.WindowsFirewallControl

do winfags really?

it's the closest thing to something that somewhat resembles and kinda works like a proper package manager on windows

It uses iptables

a webserver?

you're gonna just open it to the public?

yeah? i dont see the problem

simplewall works for me

I like evilsocket/opensnitch

You wouldn’t even know what to do with a firewall or how to configure it. So this thread is fucking stupid like you. You’re so stupid that you don’t even know how to correctly ask questions.

Sounds like you need a diaper change

I do.

you're right it's pretty good.. for windows that is.

even though it's stolen knowledge:

But you're absolutely right to use it, it's a trusted source to install, and takes away all the mess and manual labour

># ufw allow in 51413

does what i need

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Yes, it's a good firewall and GUFW or Firewall Configuration is the graphical user interface for it.