What are distros with the least updates? Debian? Any other?

What are distros with the least updates? Debian? Any other?
I'm running Arch and tired of constant stream of daily pointless updates

Attached: distros.jpg (1000x420, 58.18K)

Is someone holding a gun to your head and making you update?


Build your own LFS and never maintain it.

You can tell if the distro is updated or not by looking at the version of Zig it packages. Below 0.9.1? Outdated obsolete distro, don't use.

I don't want to stay behind on security updates

To be fair Zig was made obsolete by C over 9000 years ago.

then only install the security updates? Why is this so difficult?

Just set pacman to ignore all the annoying stuff.

because there is no difference in Arch between updates and security updates, you have to install all of them

Never used Arch before but I find that hard to believe. You can't selectively install updates on a rolling release distro?

>what is comptime
>what is simple concurrency
>what is cross compiling out of the box
>what is decent error handling that isn't passing around ints
I could go on.

no, that is the point of rolling release, have latest of everything and install updates constantly

You could but everyone knows C did zig better than zig.

Slackware desu

So then don't use a rolling release distro.

Why do you believe you have to update every time there is an update? I've been updating once every two weeks for the past few years, and it never caused a problem.

i don't understand. why do you need to tell the difference between the two? any update can be a security update. also, you don't need to update your system daily.

answering your question, debian is the only one that i know of that has a new version every 2 years. you'll still need to update your packages, though.

No. Look at this C.
nigger_t nig;

Looks ok right? Wrong. You forgot to handle the error. Meanwhile in Zig
var nig: Nigger = Nigger.init();

If init can fail you'll get a compile error telling you that you can't cast an error union to a type.

not him, but stop embarassing yourself, no one is using Zig and no one will, it's hipster language for redditors to masturbate to
