be me

> be me
> CTO in software company
> about 30 developers + management
> go to local certified apple partner
> get deal to replace all work machines with on premise support
> buy plan, where they replace and update old machines every 2-3 years
> actually good price
> back in company
> tell the news in teammeeting
> everybody likes it, except 4 people
> 1 boomer senior dev using windows
> 3 junior/mid devs using linux
> told them they can continue to use their old system
> condition is: if we lose time on fixing their system. they're fired
> all linux users immediatley want the macbook now
> senior devs doesnt give a fuck and is still working here
> productivity increased
> no problems with computers since the switch

apple products might seem expensive, but if you're not one autistic neet and time actually costs money, then they pay for themselves in no time

Attached: 1632523569471.jpg (900x600, 224.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

and everyone clapped, right?

>brand vs brand!
You didn't mention at all the specs of the computers. What are they; 32gbs of RAM or what - and compared to what other plans?


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Flamewars are against the rules, OP.

nakadashi mugi-chan

linux isnt a brand retard

>> be me
found your problem

based retard

CTOs aren't posting on 4chinz and they don't know what tranime is.

>> CTO

cope poorfag

Any MSP will offer you this and it'll be cheaper because SCCM is light-years ahead of anything Apple has for management

I've seen this exact post (word for word) once before, presumably it's regularly posted bait

Who cares? Software is more important hard hardware, and Windows development is utterly impotent. Linux is good, but good luck getting a team of SWEs to daily drive it on laptops without issue, nevermind maintain it. The only "support" for Linux are institutions like RedHat and SUSE, and they only care about enterprise deployments, not laptops.
Consider graduating and perhaps being employed at a real company before offering your opinion, dog.

ok homo

kek and based

>present condition that will lead to someone getting fired
>majority of people that this condition could affect try to prevent it
what if there was lost dev time with the Mac machines? would you fire them then?

Attached: 20220321_011946.jpg (1075x802, 165.72K)

this exact same text has been posted before here:

The problem with this shill thread is that this is basket weaving forum for unemployed magical girls. It will have no meaningful traction.