YouTube pages are generated purely by scripts

There's no html elements on the page source, only JS.

Attached: YouTube.png (1366x768, 101.1K)

call the police


Did you just wake up form a 20 year coma?

so that's why it's slow as balls on my chromebook.

So are all of my websites
Get on with the times gramps

everything you need is in here window.ytInitialData and window.ytInitialPlayerResponse

good morning intensifies

>YouTube pages are generated purely by scripts
90% of all code is generated programmatically
the other 10% is 6% stack overflow, 4% original thought

but this client-side garbage slows down my browser. i'd rather they do it on the server.

ok boomer

Wow. The idea of WWW and HTML completely gone. Tim Berners-Lee would be rolling in his grave

Stop using a 10+ year outdated pile of shit and pretending it's sufficient for modern use.

mpv you absolute retard

spotted the consoomer.

Poorfag cope. Learn to converse like a sapient being and not a programmed automaton.

Indians and Javascript killed an entire industry

>Wait, it's only JS.

Attached: 69r9nl.jpg (888x499, 85.08K)

He would. If he weren’t still very much alive

Wouldn't exactly call it very much, but yeah

Wasn't always like this

dumb retard, fuck off lmao