Work with men

>work with men
>arrogant senior developers but at least there is a reason for it

>work with women
>arrogant senior female developers and they are all fucking bad

What is your opinion on female developers?

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>female developers
no such thing.

don't really have much experience with them
in the workforce? none
at uni? i was on a group with one. she was nice, we worked well together and got an A in the class

women can't code. period.

but at least they can be less arrogant


If they look like cave trolls, they might be pretty good. Otherwise, they're all incompetent and helpless.

There were 2 girls in my EE program. 1 american 1 from Pakistan. American girl switched to cs 2nd year Pakistani girl graduated and was very smart.
In the workplace theres only a couple female colleagues and they're honestly alright. 1 upper management one however is a complete micromanaging ego tripping cunt but thankfully she left because she couldn't micromanage as much anymore

There are some women autists that are decent developers and okay to work with but it's pretty rare in my experience.

The main problem I've found is when the useless women take things really personally. Like I developed one feature and the UI was using all the browser defaults, the story in question said nothing specific about overriding the defaults. I create PR, it gets approved by two other devs that I was working with on similar parts of the UI.

Since I didn't include her, she takes that really personally. Apparently she'd been going on about 'men don't get UX' and ranting about it in 'scrum of scrums' (which thankfully I never had to go to). Feeling 'excluded' and needing to 'send a message', she goes to the story and marks it as 'not completed'. Says I got it 'entirely wrong' and need to override this and that. I kindly inform her that there's nothing in the story that says anything about that. 'we don't build UIs that way user'. And at that point I asked her if this 'way' is documented anywhere (since I'm relatively new) and she takes that as some kind of challenge and gets really angry.

Unbeknownst to me from that point onward she made it her personal mission to get me fired. 'watching' any stories I'm assigned to and leaving comments on them (sometimes daily) like 'why haven't you pushed any code yet?' (even though it'd just been a few days since it was assigned to me and I was off doing other things like looking into production issues).

Luckily one of the other devs gave me the heads up about it so I knew before I got called in for 'a chat' with my boss. In such a situation, there was not a lot I could do. My manager was a cuck that basically told me he 'this stuff is below my pay grade', 'I really don't want to deal with this, you need to resolve this with her yourself'. At this point I just started my job search. A few weeks later he called me in to announce I was on a PIP, for incredibly vague reasons 'improve communication skills'.

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>female "developers"

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after working as programmer for nearly 5 yeaars, I still don't know any female developers

At this point, I just decided to pretend to care about said woman. 'what do you think?', 'what's good UX here?' Within a month of being on the PIP I'd found a new job. And the cuck manager announced that my 'performance had significantly improved, but you'll still be on the PIP for another few months'. To which I applied, 'no I won't, I'm leaving'. And the look on his face was priceless.

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I've met nothing but very smart women in my cs classes. These are the tail end of the degree tho, so there is some filtering involved.

What I can't explain is how 50% of the men are utterly retarded, the filters need to be stronger.

>how 50% of the men are utterly retarded
Affirmative action

Agreed. I've found that the majority of students in general are retarded in CS degrees. I think one of the reasons it stands out a lot for women is that there are so few of them, so when one of them is retarded (let's say at the same rate as the men are) we can't easily point to another really good woman in the department to counterbalance.
It's much easier to do with men as we have a representative sample and can just point to the 99th percentile male student.

Easy fix is to just get more women in the field.

But why the mean student is a retard I'll never understand.

they are garbage coders
they go into cs to get a job and that's about it, none of them code for fun. they can be good students
inb4 deluded trannies

My school is over 60% white and Asian, the retards are always white or Asian.

I worked with only one female developer in my life, she was probably a diversity hire because she wasn't very good compared to the rest of the team, she just wasn't in our level and people were trying to teach her but she wasn't learning as fast as we did, because we had a lot more experience/devotion than her. She tried to get promoted but didn't, then started acting all weird around us and ragequit.
I'd like to have more females in my team, many guys together start behaving like kids.

>Since I didn't include her, she takes that really personally.
Taking it personally is childish, but honestly, if she developed that, wouldn't it be at least polite to include her? If for not other reason than to give her feedback to get better next time?

Pretty sure that counts as workplace harassment from her, and the audacity of your cuck manager to put you on a pip for a random bitch. You should name and shame the company

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retardation knows no gender
90% of all people are retarded

They're very nice to me. Not sure if they're like that with other devs but I've never had an issue with them

You are right, I used the wrong term. I should have said "male privilege." Retarded men are allowed to fail upwards. Women are attacked at every step they make, doubly so when they fail.

Last place I worked at, the senior dev was a women. She basically treated me as her son.
But in a good way.

You are optimistic.

Not him but that ain't right, work is work, if you are not included in something does not mean you are worthless.

More than 90%

>pic related

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You are retarded. Don't take it personally, it's just statistically very likely.

>arrogant senior developers but at least there is a reason for it
Holy fuck, I know you retards hate women and shit, but imagine being this fucking delusional to think that most "developers" aren't pure and simple trash regardless of genitalia. Seriously, I can't think of a more retarded and ignorant take than suggesting that "arrogant senior developers" who just happen to be dudes are somehow intrinsically better than chicks. 90% of chicks are shit developers, yes, but that same fucking statistic applies to men as well.
God damn you retards are fucking stupid.

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Half of them are great, half of them are complete dogshit. Same as male developers DESU.

I'm sure that the 110s out there can be good devs. In general, most people can if they put in the requisite effort instead of trying to coast on talent.

>The main problem I've found is when the useless women take things really personally.
I noticed that a lot in the Army. Some wahmen would fuck up bad and when a sergeant would fuck them up for it they'd get all butthurt about
>Why does Sgt. so-n-so not like me?
Where with guys they'd fuck you up and you'd be smoking and joking with them 15 minutes later because unironically, it's nothing personal pri'ate.

One example of this was one time a female solider showed up to a ruck march exactly on time (so 15 minutes late) with a ruck sack that wasn't put together and when the squad leader got on her ass for it, later she was bitching about why he was so hard on her.

Its not half, its at most 1 out of 10, if not 1 out of 50. But yes, the ration applies to both men and women.

>arrogant senior female developer asks to see me in her office for private code review

This. You are so transparent we can see right through you.

based beyond belief

Can confirm as someone that does interviews for potential candidates. 90% of them are completely retarded and are unable to answer even basic questions about the language they're applying for or simple datastructure questions. We don't even do any actual coding questions where I'm at so its impressive how stupid these people are.
Like you're telling me you have a 3.9 GPA in CS and don't know what a fucking queue is?