Meeting Steve Wozniak

Hey Any Forums, Steve Wozniak is speaking at my university soon. What should I ask him?
I thought about getting him to sign my copy of gameboy tetris.

Attached: woz.png (735x517, 155.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how does it feel to be cucked by a hippie moron ?

Yeah I was looking for actual answers desu. Guess that serves me right for asking Any Forums of all places. This is probably the only time I'll get to meet him in my life. He is getting pretty old after all.

pasta or spaghettu

Pie to the face like Bill Gates

>What should I ask him?
Ask him how many STDs did he get from his gay lovers

Must be crazy being this guy and just waiting for everyone to shit on your legacy because the "computer" you made in that garage was just from parts from the Xerox supply closet. He's the black kid who made a PS4. Also he just shills crypto and NFTs and gets paid to be a crypto ambassador for gay Ethereum tokens.

I'm surprised Any Forums is just trolling me with this. He literally created the EFF. He's also one of the few really successful tech people that isn't full of self interest.

You know what, you actually have a point with the cryptoshit.

>I thought about getting him to sign my copy of gameboy tetris.

>He's also one of the few really successful tech people that isn't full of self interest.
you speak as though you know him personally

It's like his favorite video game.
Also I couldn't find any on ebay.

Look at his net worth compared to other CEOs. Also Apple is a trillion dollar company. He isn't really well compensated.

Not a single serious question anons,
you've failed me Any Forums.

Ask him which Web-Browser he uses.
And ask him about his opinion on systemd.

Ask him which distro he uses and if he says anything but gentoo call him a faggot

It's a legitimate question, you're a cuck. Ask it or gtfo faggot

ask him how many kids he had to sacrifice to become a royal order of jester mason

Attached: Steve-Wozniak--Quotes-the-coding-nirvana-project-8.jpg (289x349, 25.74K)

Legitimate question:
Ask him why he refused to implement floating point numbers into Apple Basic, forcing Steve to purchase Microsoft Basic for the Apple II

Thanks, I might actually ask him this one

Ask about Libre Software

Found this old video of someone who did that.
Don't really understand why he reacted this way.

He made a video in support of right to repair so I might ask him about that. Apple's computers have gotten worse to repair as the days have gone on.