You cannot debate this

You cannot debate this.

Attached: 1647975446563.png (1382x1576, 1.76M)

Swap Arch and Elementary

swap redhat and mint

>swap kali with mint
>swap wsl with elementary
still debatable. you got it wrong in many ways desu

I am a mannequin now I guess
t. GhostBSD, based on FreeBSD, user

I use arch and I'm very comfortable with the body and gender I was born with, what does that make me?


Regular chad without grin
Wouldn't know how but something more corporate for the bootlickers they are
Wannabe Hacker
More beard

Thanks for reposting my meme op. I have the .xcf file. I'll share it when I get off of work.

>temple OS

Attached: diamond weapon.jpg (298x241, 25.78K)

You got me with the wsl not gonna lie.

>recognize all but one
What the fuck is the Q?




Probably gets more coding done than the rest of the chart

It's so obvious now that I see it. There are too many, gals.

Attached: 1634061642582.jpg (474x479, 37.45K)

only because he's not only using java, but also doing so in an overly verbose manner


good morning sir, it is ok to use the java, you do not have to worry, just do the needful ok?

Pfft, I don’t need to.
>*jizzes farts pees and diarrhea shits all over thread*