Let me guess, you need more?

Think twice.

Attached: nim.png (1268x1311, 215.23K)

>Nim memory manager is inspired by C++ and Rust

Post your code.

no u

What are nim's killer features? What does it offer that other languages don't (or offer poorly)? Genuine question btw

a sense of belonging to a community of 3 people and many trannies

Efficient, expressive, elegant. In that order.

metaprogramming is really easy. Making template equivalents is really easy too

Downside for me is that it still feels uneasy to use past 1.0 version.
All of my little compiler projects from 1.0 and 1.1 don't work

Reminds me of Coffeescript

meh, boring. beef is much more interesting

when you want to force originallity hahahha

they were so close to making a good lang

Attached: ke1637979641358.jpg (670x960, 52.1K)

since I'm cool I'll let them know how to fix it:
fmt => f
or, backticks like in js, but without $ before each item
macro => function
echo => print

I need less

>macro => function
Are you retard?

Ok you probably meant this.

Attached: 85CF1BF0-BE44-42E6-8B8C-BBC322EDAC14.jpg (1113x1237, 393.3K)

lol no

>Nim has a powerful macry system which allows direct manipulation of the AST
>Macros cannot change Nim's syntax bacause there's no need for it
wait but then what's the point of the macros?
also them saying
>because there's no need for it
honestly sounds like a cope lol

don't care, still using haxe.

AST != syntax.

ok but what's the point of the macros though

What’s the goal of Nim? What’s it for? Is it meant to replace something that already exists, or fill a void?

Redpill a C programmer on Nim.

i need less

Attached: mascot.jpg (256x256, 24K)

Beeflang? Isn't that only for game programming?

For example, read some text file and compile time and produce functions based on that.

>let keyword
>pascal-style type hinting
into the trash it goes

cant you do that with functions?

No, macros and templates only work in compile time, and they generate new code. It is not like python where you can generate a lot of code on the fly (at the cost of memory and being slow).

10 ways to write the same variable name.

sign, I was kinda liked nim back when it was called nimrod

looks like python

No dynamic linking? Into the trath it goes.