I installed linux

I installed linux
I got all the programs I needed
I wrote my aliases
I set up everything so it would work like it should
why do I still feel empty?

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do that again, but use gentoo this time

>step 6
go back to windows

post desktop and neofetch
then you will be done with linux

my nigger played the game of desktop linux through

You must distrohop to fill the void

>open laptop lid
>open powershell
>ssh user@
>check logs
>use linux how it was meant to be used etc
I still feel empty but I can always move away from my computer and do something with my friends.

I can install Ubuntu and purge snapd in 10 minutes flat.

>not removing and blocking it post install

Its not meant to just werk

Unironically touch grass bro. Don't lose your connection to nature.


You don't need a computer, user. It's time to move on.


come back home

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You feel empty bc you realized that windows is literally just better


This comment strongly disgusted me.

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install windows 7

Keep using GNU/Linux, but find some new hobbies, and learn new things.

Ditto, but I purposefully rejected anything 32-bit and got left with almost no games to play. It cured my addiction to vidya, but my brain is fried to do something else.

What now?