Thoughts on gdscript?

thoughts on gdscript?

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I won't


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holy based


I don't see the point in creating a whole new language just for this one engine. Does that hurt adoption?

Isn’t it just a Python clone?

>Does that hurt adoption?
what, do you think they made gdscript as a general purpose language? it's literally called Godot Script

He means adoption of the engine due to the language, not adoption of the language itself.

no, he is clearly speculating on the adoption of this language because of it being specific to godot

God tier dialect of python.
One of the best features of Godot.

Unity used to have this with Boo but they gave it up like retards.


He clearly isn't.
He points out himself that the language was created specifically for the engine, and the other guy (you?) asks back at him whether he thinks that the language wasn't created specifically for the engine. How does that make any sense?
"Does learning a brand new ad hoc language hurt adoption of the engine" is a perfectly reasonable way to interpret what he said, the other one bends over backwards just to point out the incongruity it creates.


See no point in it, will just lag development.

Now there are 3 ways of doing code:
Extensions, C#, GDScript

Godot is not well funded enough that they can do all 3 equally well

To a degree yeah; minus the list/set/dict comprehensions.

Only "the wrong sort of people" want whitespace languages like python.
People with "the right stuff" use C-style languages like C#

i would rather just do normal python, i know it's a point for a lot of these engines to feature their own scripting languages but i just want to get to work using the skills i already have

same bullshit as GML (gamemaker language). there's literally no reason to learn a language that only has one purpose, when there's C/C++ (SDL, Unreal, SFML, raylib), C# (Unity), Java (libGDX), Lua (LOVE), etc, which are great for making games AND you can use them to do other things

also, godot supports C C++ and C#, so go learn a better and more useful language than the trash that gdscript is

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