You guys told me they were a Russian puppet company

You guys told me they were a Russian puppet company.

Attached: file.png (1556x640, 135.96K)

I never said that.

oh no, Russians will be unable to waste money on an irrelevant IDE for a dead language...

Attached: free software rms install gentoo fire burning house.jpg (800x600, 109.68K)

>swift/objective c
>dead language

How does that work? Isn't Shafirov a russkie himself?

nobody uses shitbrains to program in C and if they "do" it is nothing relevant, nothing of value has been lost, their primary targets are java and php boomers, fucking cry about it

The vast majority of Russians hate Putin.

hate is a fairly strong word and if that were true, entire Russia would be ravaged by civil wars right now.

Retardo you don't know what you're talking about. Jetbrains is the company behind CLion, Pycharm, IntelliJ, etc not an IDE itself. They're all widely used.

its the popular stance social media wants everyone to take right now. if they don't, they risk being cancelled literally just for being russian

oh no what will I ever do without CLion

You will keep tinkering on your hobby projects with emacs

Thank you for your opinion, I will personally relay it to my boss and report back once we're done discussing whether we should adopt trannylion for our next project

Fucking traitors.


no one cares if you don't use clion user.
pycharm and clion and all the other jetbrains IDEs are very widely used and nothing you say can change that fact. cry about it

except by all those relevant programmers in Russia, curious, is this why retarded mutts are the only ones LARPing on this website?

Lacking the ShitBrains shitty IDE wont stop russians. Plenty of better and more free options out there.

>b..but no one in russia uses it!
>source: trust me bro, also i claim anyone that uses it is irrelevant by some arbitrary criteria

>everyone = amerimutt company I work in
>source = my government

That's a typical kike last name you dolt.

>everyone = me
>source = me

not me, my connections, something you will never have outside facebook, in the real world, retarded mutt

>source: ooooohh my connections
KEK user
bro putin told me he and everyone else in russia uses pycharm, what u gonna do now?