I dont get it

I dont get it.
I just dont understand how tesla out of nowhere became bigger than volkswagen or toyota when they can barely make enough cars to sell and people have to wait in queue for them

something really feels weird, same with Musk, I remember checking on him like 2-3 years ago and he was a """poorfag""" with like 2-3 billions net worth, then he started memeing left and right and he suddenly became the richest man in the world. Did I miss something?

Attached: 1647869538203.jpg (1378x421, 124.88K)

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look up "trust fund baby" and "the merchant", read, learn, use your technology dumb nigger

>I dont get it.
>I just dont understand how Amazon out of nowhere became bigger than WalMart or Costco when they can barely list enough products to sell and people have to wait for them
>something really feels weird, same with Bezos, I remember checking on him like 2-3 years ago and he was a """poorfag""" with like 2-3 billions net worth, then he started memeing left and right and he suddenly became the richest man in the world. Did I miss something?

musk is skull x bones

everyone understands how amazon became bigger, dumb fuck
tesla doesnt really make a sense tho

CIA has black funds that are hidden from knowledge - billions of shkelim out of tax payer and into Silicon Valley propaganda

Random VIPs appear, they are made up billionaires: Facegoy is another one

Fronts for the globohomo, it's all fake numbers

They are puppets, so (((you))) are O' feeble faggot that fall to jewish propaganda

>I dont get it.

Attached: 1617959652235.png (1280x720, 522K)

ITT: Schizos

part of the dragon bloodline or tribe of dan or orion dragons
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch Crew Dragon Endeavour
falcon = horus
dragon = dragon bloodline = orion dragons

this why tesla took off despite a meh product and poor handling out of the blue


tesla gets so much money in subsidies it's beyond the imagination

I think the thing to understand is that dollar is worth shit
It has been devaluated for years by printing hundred of billion of dollars each time there is a financial crisis, and now even trillions lmao

It's basically a Pyramid Ponzi scheme.
Look at graphs of the monetary supply of dollar

Attached: Screenshot 2020-06-13 at 08.20.01.png (1928x1292, 296.44K)

Ding ding ding.

That and stock market manipulation and speculation.

The US is going to ditch the dollar for a digital currency reasonably soon. Don't get left holding the bag.

If you're still in stocks in $currentYear you either have gigantic fucking balls or are clinically brain dead.


t. cryptobro redditor

Those teslas are electric vehicles, user. They're electric. That's why.

>If you aren't invested in one gigantic bubble you must be invested in the other gigantic bubble
Exhibit A: Clinical Brain Death

You're saying that we should buy gold or silver ?

damn, just like my LAMP?!?

If you think you can escape what's coming or just need some industrial grade copium sure.