The permission system is what's stopping linux for becoming an usable OS

the permission system is what's stopping linux for becoming an usable OS.
Any sysadmin spends 50% of the time typing sudo shit and then things don't work anyway because there is some permission magic to fix.
Same destiny is reserved to those that use linux as a desktop, except that after 3 days of this they just throw it in the trash and install microsoft spyware.
This is unaccettable. If I have the physical computer in front of me, it must do as I tell, which is what windows used to do up until Windows 8.1
Fix linux and save computing please

Attached: af6e79fdd3da7a08b539ced998d10504.jpg (457x342, 11.28K)

your mom's unaccettable

your mom is bill gates

my GNU/Linux system does exactly as I tell, it even lets me to flash my BIOS with data from /dev/urandom if I please, cope harder cuck

You are not permitted to post this. Please type sudo and post again.

>filtered by octals and base 8
no wonder these brainlet can't get a job

of course, when it comes to self-destruction the way is paved. But try to run an application, there is no way, just the arbitrary rules of a finnish bureaucrat turned programmer

>read, write and execute permissions for the user, group, and everyone else
>permissions for a million different things for the user, the system administrator, the system account, john, maddie, mustafa, fuckerville's class of '99 and any group or individual you can think of

And somehow Linux has more complicated permissions than Windows

>what is PolKit
>and then things don't work anyway because there is some permission magic to fix
It's not magic, you're just incompetent.

Agreed. I have to sudo poweroff my pc, like wtf? It's nigga tier user experience

Worked on my machine for past 20 years now

>what is PolKit

and somehow on linux you always need to perform arcane rituals in command line to run the simplest application.
Meanwhile despite all the garbage on windows things run first try.

oh wow it is so hard to open your launcher palette and click on an icon that resembles desktop "app" you want to run...

It takes time to learn anything new. Probably more than 3 days to learn CLI for Linux.

you click the icon, it doesn't run because you don't have permission.
You run a program from the CLI, it doesn't run because of permission. You sudo the shit out of it, it still doesn't run because of permissions. Etc etc
Come on, let's stop defending the undefendable. Linux MUST be fixed because the world is without a decent operating system. We cannot keep treating the operating system as some sort of shitty made NES videogame that must waste your time.
People have to work. We are losing trillions every year to shitty windows. Cancers are not being cured and space is not explored as much because linux autists keep being autistic instead of making linux usable.
Stop justifying your mess and fix this.

In windows everyone runs everything as administrator, it's not rocket science

>filtered by sudo and chmod

Attached: filtered.jpg (1024x768, 149.79K)

Just use a Mac lmao.

never happened

and what if it's not you at/on your computer?

1. people don't learn windows, they use it and learn to fix things on the fly without any difficulty whatsover
2. even if you learn linux formally, you will still not be able to be efficient because the layers of bureaucracy cannot be removed. Also these layers of breuacracies are a lot more than an human brain can handle. I've met serious linux sysadmins and powerusers, and they still make the same mistakes and have the same problems a noob can have. I've seen it with my eyes. The difference is that in most cases they know where to put their hands, but a lot of times they don't. A thing that should be done instantly (like starting a server, for example) takes 10 minutes even for an experienced user.
This is not accettable. Fix linux. Stop justifying the madness, we need linux, we are without operating systems. Please fix linux.

sudo apt kill-yourself

>You run a program from the CLI, it doesn't run because of permission. You sudo the shit out of it, it still doesn't run because of permissions
Please provide some examples


I'll make a direct example so you'll see I'm right.
I'm on ubuntu server.
I use wget to download lysin in the opt folder. I untar the tar ball and then try to run lysin from its folder. I get a permission error. Why? It should run. It's an executable file, I am sudoing the shit out of everything.
It should run. But it doesn't.

I know I could use apt to install lysin and shit, but it doesn't matter. There is an executable file, I am the administrator, I tell it to run, it must run. I don't have to change permission. It must run.
Since it doesn't, linux is shit.
I don't even need to run, it is just a test you can make yourself to see how shitty linux is.

Fix linux. It must be fixed. We need an operating system, we are in a crisis. Fix linux.

Your umask isn't making your newly downloaded files executable. Even with root, a file needs the execution bit to run (chmod +x