Webapps without npm

Is it possible to build a modern webapp without using this shit? I don't want my hard drive bricked because some faggot wanted to get political.

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You don't need a modern webapp.

Fork the project before the virus

I don't but I want money

Yes. You can use any package management system you want, or none at all if you prefer. You can download the React libraries manually and add them to your source code and it should work fine.

Guess I'll have to personally review every single one of them.

that's what anyone who isn't a dumb nigger already does in the first place

Deno doesn't use npm, You can import your scripts as you would in the browser.

Come join the php side we have larvel and don't have to deal with this BS unless we want to.

You could use Blazer, Spring, even Python with Flask if you're too lazy to learn a real language with types

>have to wait hours to fetch deps

yeah no thanks rajeesh, DO NOT redeem the PHP. DO NOT REDEEM IT!!!

That might be my choice, I have heard Laravel more these days. I wonder if the market trend will head away from npm or we're still gonna be suffering from it.
>Blazer, Spring
Hadn't heard of them but I will check them out. Thanks user

Yeah I don't live in bum fuck no where so it doesn't take an hour. Maybe stop using 3g wireless for the internet and it won't be such an issue.

> import library using HTTP URL
> maintainer changes what's on the endpoint
> your code is now owned
how is this better?
this is 10× worse

I only run npm inside vm (vagrant locally, vmware for work)

phoenix liveview
rails hotwire
laravel livewire
rust yew

meh, only shitty devs are afraid of untyped languages

learn2code Junior dev

Want a modern solution? Try Zig!
pub fn helloWorld(req: Request, res: Response) !void {
try res.print("Hello {}!", req.queryParam("name") orelse "World");

Then deal with your malware, the same way your users have to deal with the garbage "webapps" you impose upon them.

I will just to make you seethe. Go dilate somewhere else

what did this thing even do? i'm unironically a brainlet when it comes to modern webdev and programming

>have to wait hours to fetch deps
Those times are over. Composer 2 fixed that issue.

Its a package manager that automatically installs shit for you to build webapps with so many """devs""" use it to build their startups because any third world pajeet who knows nothing of code can make something fast.
But since it doesn't tell you what it installs, this faggot modified the code so it detects if you're computer is russian or close to it, then it deletes all your files and replaces them with tranny emojis.
It was caught and ruined his life for wokepoints, but that just shows this npm shit is more trouble than its worth and very vulnerable to supply chain attacks. especially since many dev faggots like those at discord and unity use it and don't check, just let their shitty software automatically install the malware