Easy cross-compile

>easy cross-compile
>huge library with support for crypto, networking protocols
>difficult to flag down by AV due to runtime
Is there a more suitable modern language for malware than go?

Attached: lilnigga.png (600x600, 63.25K)

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Yeah, I've been thinking this as well. If I were to write some malware, I'd write it in go.



this mf already looks like he is about to go thru my pc case and destroy my hard drive

Why? As soon as a target doesn't have the interpreter you'd need to download it or move on. Also plain text is easy to deobfuscate

Why malware? Seems boring to shill your fake exes to get people to install it. Pretty high risk for not that much gain unless you hit the jackpot with big corpo person clicking it.

>nice, we've finally gotten access to the victim's machine
>NameError: name 'connection' is not defined
>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'remoteshell'

Attached: 24b7009c461d8541d762c73205c42ab4.jpg (423x500, 24.48K)

Yep, lots of cybsec people are learning Go because blackhat have been moving to Go due to the reasons you've mentioned. Ease of coding plus ease of cross compilation makes Go a great candidate for malware creation / research.

Here's a podcast that goes in depth with Go and hacking.

>no generics

Attached: c65b23104c6f35b1ea3bd16210e7f084-imagepng.png (500x500, 11.82K)

I was planning on learning go until I saw youtube.com/watch?v=ZACOc-NwV0c&t=70s

It got generics like three days ago.

>Entire ecosystem still geared for no generics
Why not just use a language that got it right from the start instead of one with 10 years of inertia from going in the wrong way?

A lot of metadata is included in Go binaries so you need to be careful and obfuscation is not straightforward. But it's absolutely doable.


what even are generics you fucking schizo
are they in the room right now, are they talking to you?

take your meds

Attached: you.png (5000x5000, 1.15M)

Not that much to change in ecosystem. Most stuff that uses generics elsewhere was done with code generation. Like ORMs, Graphql, openapi servers.
Honestly not that many places where I have missed having generics thanks to that. Functional style map, filter, reduce is still not coming and won't for a long time I bet. That's the biggest place for generic use in many languages.

This is the sort of prideful ignorance I associate with gophers

I literally have no clue what a "generic" is. Can someone explain it to me in haskell terms?

i seem to recall the Mirai botnet in 2016 was written in golang