Extension for almost anything in the world

>extension for almost anything in the world
>well administred in memory
>ins't a diy frankenstein
Shill me a more interedasting app that can function as text editor and IDE at the same time out of the box [spoiler]Protip: you can't[/spoiler].

Attached: Visual_Studio_Code_1.35_icon.svg.png (2048x2048, 127.5K)



>frankensteined browser
>shitty half boiled extensions that barely do anything
>m$ spyware included

>can function as text editor and IDE at the same time

Attached: 16545663634.png (600x923, 111.84K)

come to nigeria

>ins't a diy frankenstein
it is

sadly is a frankenstein
>shitty half boiled extensions that barely do anything
This prove (you) can't code
>m$ spyware included
rent free
>can function as text editor and IDE at the same time
Where i'm gonna sleep, ser?

Attached: come at me bro.jpg (303x343, 73.07K)

>Shill me a more interedasting app that can function as text editor and IDE at the same time out of the box [spoiler]Protip: you can't[/spoiler].
literally sublime. kate if freetard with terminal allergies.
how the fuck is vscode not a frankenstein?

Fun thing is many nice features like language processors are separated into proprietary MS extensions, which refuse to work if you're on an open source build of vscode. Python for example, OSS build will only give you basic syntax highlighting and otherwise will stay dumb as nano. So much for "Microsoft loves open source".

literally a botnet

Isn't visual studio opensource as well?

No, it's not.
>pay 70$ for sublime
get fucked.
can't code too?
still features all lenguages etc.
Yep. if you try to install vscodium you can't have some extensions.
as i tought, isn't anything better on the freemarket. and no one would do shit with your data, you just put your things on github and use emacs or sublime or vim, it's the last thing someone would do is care about "muuh, my propritary data"

Attached: 3843eb9af9e43ce099bbf3ba8de94bef.jpg (511x428, 27.36K)

I prefer Code OSS, all that VSCode has but no Microsoft shit. The one downside is that code share doesn't work without the M$ shit.

Not entirely true, the python extension has built in Jedi based LSP capabilities
If your fosstard build connects to official extension store, then it might try to install and use the new pylance shit that is restricted to official builds ("restricted" being you have to edit some file to look like official build or whatever). This will indeed result in no python intellisense, but you just need to select a different LSP provider and thats it.
VSCopium has its own extension store so I would expect everything to work out of the box there.

> multiple selections
> lsp support built in. Highlighting and intellisense as good as vscode
> sane defaults, only use the config to set another theme

i still prefer if they rewrite it in rust

>can't code too?
If I didn't want "smarts" from a code editor I would've picked another one that isn't supposed to have those features anyway.
Oh, thanks user, I'll give it another go then. Still a bit of a dirty play imo, yeah sure open source but if you actually build it yourself then get fucked.

user, just desactivate that options and you're free to go i guess? don't think i'm talking bs but it's a nice one

is it any good? krashy?

no, kate isn't as krashy as the rest of KDE.
It didn't krash on me yet.
VS Code
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.

looked it up, too many dependencies for me