Future of AdBlock

Surely it can't last forever? The business models of all these gigacorps relies on ads. If everyone used adblock they would go belly up.

What do they have on the way? Ultra intrusive blockchain DRM tech? Something else? Any FAGMAN Any Forumsentoomen willing to drop some knowledge?

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Manifest Version 3

Read about manifest v3 in browsers aiming to replace manifest v2 which adblocks rely on.

Thanks, but I'm sticking with Firefox.

I feel like there are enough normies online to not justify cracking down on ad blockers and if there's any repercussions it would be from your cucked governments getting lobbied to make them illegal as shit which is most likely going to happen in the future.

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Google/Apple/Microsoft cartel will start to offer ad free subscription internet browsing .. profits distributed amongst the major players in ad distribution etc.

5 years time 10 tops. Believe it.

This, until they eventually deside to say fuck it and embrace v3 and extinguish v2 like chrome. Why they still won't implement a built in adblocker is beyond me. Still my daily driver with brave as my backup for the time being however.

The rest of the plebs will have ad supported internet browsing .. no opt out's

Right click > block element
Enjoy your manifest v3, retard.

advertisement industry doesn't hinge on unemployable paranoid schizos who weren't going to buy product anyway.

Brave won't be able to keep up. Eventually they will succumb just like every chromium fork.

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It takes less than 10 seconds to get Adblock. Every normie Youtube addict would download it if they knew about . They literally sit through 30seconds of ads before every video. Even boomers have their kids install it for them.

I have a feeling this is one of the reasons why there has been such a heavy anti-firefox campaign for the last few years.

Normies are much more stupid then you know because most of the people I know don't even know extensions exist on desktop web browsers and most of them don't even have any traditional computing devices that run real operating systems and have smartphones only.

Vivaldi already committed to backport it

Even Google, a literal advertising company doesn't change your homepage to an ad for a shitty movie. And you think Firefox is on your side.

Brave has incentive to keep up.
They make money for every ad they block - since Brave is literally stealing ad space and making advertisers have to pay a second time with BAT.
If Firefox fails, Brave is the only answer.


Of course. It's lead by corporate interests, just like every other corrupt push. Antitrust laws exist and no one is enforcing them.

you can disable all these settings so your home screen is just a blank page w/o bloat


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>Surely it can't last forever?
why not? i'll be the first person to donate if they stop and someone else wants to pick up an adblock development effort. i fucking hate ads this much

All modern media has coded invisible (to the human eye) watermarks for traitor tracing. There are already TVs that refuse to play media with those watermarks.

Now think about the implications of:

Making all cameras and displays refuse to function in the presence of those watermarks (either through industry pressure or new copyright laws).


TPM 2.0 remote attestation

You won't be able to play unlicensed media, and you won't be and to record it either. The analog hole will be closed.

*AdBlock?* That will be loooong gone, just through TPM fuckery

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