Linux users are all permentantly stuck in the edgy teenage mindset of "Fuck you mom and dad, I know best...

Linux users are all permentantly stuck in the edgy teenage mindset of "Fuck you mom and dad, I know best, I'm going to do everything MY way".
They are bitter individualists who don't trust others, and think that they are above everyone else.
They fail to understand the benefits of teamwork and job specialization, they don't want to put their trust in other people, they want to burden themselves with trying to learn everything and do everything.

Linux users head down a dark path of autistic toil and despair, they spend hours trying to cram everything there is to know about every component of their system into their heads, they lie in bed thinking about systemd and get depressed, something that affects their actual usage of the computer in no way at all. They waste years and years of their life on configuring their system and trying out new window managers, only to have created no actual work or anything of value at the end of it.

Meanwhile mac users trust that the apple engineers have done a good job, they boot up macOS and get to work. And in turn they get to enjoy an operating system that has been carefully crafted by hundreds of experts over decades to be as usable, intuitive, and as pleasing to the eyes as possible. And it cost them no time. All it cost was them was trusting that other people could do a good job.

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Install Gentoo.

>Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.

Linux is not a brand

I'm not reading all that. fuck you nigger.

I use linux because I like to program.
You use trash because you can't into computers.
You are seething with this "benefits of teamwork" bullshit like being an individualist means you can't work as a team.
Do you really think that practitioners of community software hate teamwork?
>I'm a filthy mac fag
You people don't do any work that actually benefits society.
At least there are a bunch of linux servers helping the internet run.

Its not a waste of time if you like doing it

I use macOS because I like to program, and macOS is unix certified
Linux distros come with far fewer shell utilities preinstalled than macOS does out of the box

There's plenty of people who install gnome or kde and just werk on shit

Reddit-tier thinking
Take this to the logical extreme and you will see it's clearly not true
Spending a whole day watching porn is clearly an extreme waste of your time, even if you find the entire experience highly pleasurable

Stop replying
Report for instigating a flamewar
We have these every day

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>apple fan

linux is a flame

if you contribute to society for 8 hours a day, can afford to pay rent/mortgage and eat, then unironically what is wrong with fucking around with Linux in your free time. Attributing something like enjoying computation to jacking off to sex slaves is an insane leap.

>announcing sage



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Even though this is a low effort bait thread macOS and Linux are both fine. I wouldn't run macOS on my servers, and I don't run Linux for my desktop... both powerful OSes capable of getting a lot done

linus is a colonel

tldr dilate tranny


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>linux fan

Why would you want to do 8 hours of work and then come home and do even more work?
Instead of just paying some of the money you earned to enjoy the fruits of someone else's work?

ok youve convinced me, ill take my 4 vaccines and vote for mass immigration now

if you enjoy it it's not work lol. fucking nigger.

Make sure you record them in your Linux Foundation vaccine passport

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this whole board is 99% flamewar threads

>work: noun - activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result

that can mean anything you do is work. do you get home from your job and stare at a wall all night?

The difference is that your work is completely unncessary. Instead of using your computer to create something new you are collectively wasting months of your life configuring a system when you could just use a fully featured operating system that already exists.

Good morning sir!

that's most thing. Why be a hobbyist woodworker when you can just buy a chair? Why bake bread when you can just buy a loaf? Most individual work is unnecessary in the current day. Most of the people who's job it is to do work on the computer do the higher level work that just shuffles papers around all day the boils down to telling people like warehouse workers to ship x product to b location.
caring about unnecessary work in the current day is a hypocritical task, and addressing it in the hobbyist/leisure space is unproductive.

You seem insecure about your choice of OS.