2 years out of school

>2 years out of school
>already make 250k (two jobs)

This is it, isn't it? Life doesn't get better than this. I make as much as some of the VPs in my company. How are you meant to explode your tech income? Does it really just cap at ~150k?

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i dont even have to type kys you already have a conclusion

Now that money doesn't matter, fight for your time. Go to jobs where you do 4 hours of real work a week and the rest you can spend self-improving, reading, doing hobbies, etc.

at that point I would probably just write my own code and sell it. Obviously check for clauses that allow them to claim your work, wouldn't be fun if they started saying that wherever and whatever code you write is your worplace's.

Stop bragging about 250k, that's about what I spend on fishing trips annually.

where do you fish?

you start your own business you dumb fuck
you will NEVER get rich by woking to other people

Im waiting for my company to ipo but seems like its gonna get acquired instead. There goes all my meme money

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>make 250k
Couldn't even imagine making this much money. You have it on easy streak man. Enjoy.

>me and all my friends make under 60k/yr in the US
>go on Any Forums and everybody is making 100k+ .And says that 100k is starting salary

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now imagine what Pajeet feels, he's leetcoding in Punjab, and is only paid 12k a year.

Yeah but im still paying US COL poojeets can live like a king with 12k

Specifically with tech income, either you keep going with minimal risk or you do the startup thing with high risk.

You pay for what you get. Except for rent, healthcare and food, they pay as much or more for the same things as you do.

100k is starting salary, wtf are your friends doing? I couldn't even survive on anything under 70k

What some of them aren't telling you is that they also live in HCOL areas and spend a huge chunk of their income on living expenses.

100k is a baller salary in flyover land, and slave tier in san fran.

100k is the average new STEM graduate salary.

>250k is ~$7k take home
Wagies are truly in cognitive dissonance limbo

Meanwhile I make $2250 a year in my internship and still have spare money for my mid-tier rig.

don't care, talking about cost of living

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How do 50% of people really survive on lower than 60k in sanfran?

By living in poverty


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I make 24k a year working 50 hours a week at a shitty fucking restuarant. My rent is over $1000 a month. I hate the west coast so much, why can't I find a comfy tech job. I'll be a retarded code monkey for your spyware android app, just pls give me money.