/hsg/ + /hng/ - Home server + Home Networking general

/hsg/ + /hng/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your Any Forums skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Server tips: anonbin.io/?1759c178f98f6135#CzLuPx4s2P7zuExQBVv5XeDkzQSDeVkZMWVhuecemeN6
Optimal routers for OpenWrt: openwrt.org/toh/views/toh_available_16128
OPNSense: opnsense.org/
PfSense: pfsense.org/
List of ARM-based SBCs: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yl414kIy9MhaM0-VrpCqjcsnfofo95M1smRTuKN6e-E


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Not sure if this is the right thread but my TPLink AX1500 has no bandwidth cap functionality and I need the fucking thing. I just checked OpenWRT and it seems the router is not supported so I guess my only options are OPNSense and PfSense. Which one of these two is the most dumbdown user friendly option? Man I used to recommend TPLink but after this kikery I won't recommend them any longer.

>De-botnet your life.
>UBIQUITI hardware
Fuck you.

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Thinking of doing RAID for backups. Thoughts?

Putting backups on RAID1/5/6/10 is a pretty solid idea.

3 copies, 2 different media, 1 of them off-site.

You don't need a home server.

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>build a SAN of SSDs
>mount it to pc1 over iSCSI
>do the same to pc2
Do I get super fast transfer speed when dropping files from pc1 to pc2?

RAID is not a backup, it's for redundancy. You still need a backup if you care about the data.

>2 different media


You better not shit up this thread and/or get it nuked, user. I liked this general for cozy server chat.
Netgate who maintains pfsense did retarded things (hiring 3rd party dev to port WireGuard into FreeBSD kernel which resulted in trash bug ridden code, then bullying actual WireGuard author guy for pointing out and graciously fixing this shit including remotely triggerable kernel panics; making an OPNsense = Hitler website when OPNsense forked). The fact it's still recommended by people is mind boggling.
OPNsense is actually sane, uses official userspace Go implementation of WireGuard which works well. Team behind it hasn't done such insane things so far. OpenWrt also has x86 builds, you can use it if you like (I do).
I don't care about losing my backups, I'll be able to easily recreate them (overwrite with new ones) and it sure wouldn't cause me any downtime while they're gone. My backups live on single off-site drive with btrfs (just for daily snapshots and integrity checks during monthly scrubs) that's online and on another single drive that's ext4 (maybe I should switch to btrfs too) that's offline and double off-site.
Aren't you supposed to avoid mounting the same block device twice simultaneously?
I never quite understood it either.

OPNSense still doesn't have a good blocking service. They include proprietary garbage called zenarmor by default.

pfSense has pfBlocker, which is still the best.

That's a good counterargument I suppose, thanks, I forgot about that.

hello anons. i don't know much about all this but i decided to put yunohost on a raspi4 i had lying around and make it useful. i don't know the limits of a single raspi so i didn't want to load too much, but as of now i have a note-taking app, nextcloud, and syncthing. self-hosting is nice even if i need my hand held the whole time. i have other raspis i plan using to host larger projects like a seedbox, jellyfin server, and an invidious instance. thanks for opening my eyes to the power of self-hosting and thanks for reading my blog.

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>2 diff media
it just means 2 separate units. like if you have a desktop with one copy, and an external drive or separate NAS with another copy, and a Pi at your parents house with another copy.

>it just means 2 separate units
No it doesn't. Why bother opening your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about?

only autists in enterprise will actually do 2 different media like disk and tape, moron

>X means Y
>no it doesn't
>well X is dumb anyway and uh you're gay

half the online sources also dont specify "media" so you keep being autistic about semantics all you want, it hardly fucking applies here.

Man you're really invested in trying to save face after spouting off some nonsense that everyone else knows is wrong. You know this is an anonymous website right? Nobody knows or cares who you are or that you have a habit of making a fool of yourself.

>cannot translate meaning for situation
ok autist