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Love it

VGH, lean and MEAN

use (d)ash

Check the shared libs they use and include those as well.

even less bloat, use sh!

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-03-20 18-51-01.png (776x252, 16.63K)

>check the additional 40KB bloat this is horrible

Attached: 17654345643265643436.png (1920x1080, 1001.54K)

>it's a symlink so it has no storage use
Lol. I use zsh btw

Just works
Never gonna change

bash came pre-installed so i just use bash

symlinks are just inodes, they don't have mass.

They link to something which is more than 0 bytes though, that's my point.

cringe onions

it's fine, so is bash

yeh i just fix it, still with all the support modules it less than bash and it function better

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i use fish cuz it has pretty colors, good history, syntax highlighting + indenting for interactive scripts and ez PS1 customization all by default without messing with any config

Not POSIX compliant so I have no use for it. It also looks incredibly tacky.

Bash + better completion so I use it

i don't see a reason to use it as my default over bash, because that's what i've been using since forever