Kanban/lean is useless for software development

It doesn't work. These are practices meant for predictable car manufacturing. Software development has nothing to do with that. Applying kanban in a sw project is stupid and ridiculous.

Work In Progress limits work in the Toyota production system because they reduce inter-stage inventory. But WIP limits in a software process make no sense. Either you have a lot of specialists waiting for more work, or you try to reuse them in other stages, which is always a bad thing. In either case you are wasting resources, which was what lean was trying to avoid in the first place.

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complaining without providing alternatives is so feminine

The alternative is to stop trying to find magic managerial solutions to the software question, and instead focus on writing quality code. Ultimately you can't change the creative and unpredictable nature of writing software.

All those useless intermediate managers should be fired, the CEOs should stop jewing around, and devs should be allowed to just write code without having to endure painful bullshit practices.

yep, writing code is the entire point of programming. how do you coordinate multiple teams? An alternative, you have not provided

Example of how kanban sucks
>have team with 6 devs, 1 tester, 1 devops
>complain about testing being a bottleneck
>stablish WIP of max 2 tasks in developmenr
>pretend that you can reuse some devs to help the tester
This is retarded. It works in Japanese drone car making culture because the drones making car doors can be trained to also mount wheels if they are free. This was nothing strange, as nip employees are usually trained in every job in the company/department.

But here in this SW project, you are using spare devs to write shit tests that will have to be corrected later by the tester. A lot of waste in form of communication and rework has been introduced. Work done by the specialists cannot be enhanced by spare employees not trained in the art of testing.

You don't need faux agile to coordinate teams. That was an already solved problem.

>Applying kanban in a sw project is stupid and ridiculous.
IT's not

>pretend that you can reuse some devs to help the tester
One requirements for the Agile SDLCs to works is that the team is
> stable
> -> cross functional small
> skilled
You can see why it doesn't work for you
I suggest you to read something about project management, because you clearly don't have a clue about it
Start with projectreference.com/ and then read some books
>That was an already solved problem.

> IT's not
* It's not. It's a good tool when used in a agile sdcl. Kanban is not a project management process, but a tool for project management

Imagine being filtered by a bulletin board, lol

Tell me you're one of those mid level managers without telling me you're one of those mid level managers.

The solution is two week sprints, sizing poker texts hold em, and female Indian scrum masters telling programmers what to do

>texts hold em
Texas hold em dammit. What the fuck is wrong with Samsung keyboard

I'm not (not yet probably). I'm just slightly educated on the subject, unlike whoever made this thread and the majority of Any Forums apparently
Because everything I read about project management are clearly from uneducated people

Like this retard here who think that the scrum master has anything to do with the developers.

low level people don't like lean because it reminds them of that guy in management who visit the peons once a week to ask questions for 10 mins then they walk away. they make like 10x the salary of everyone else and they change processes claiming they've saved the company millions of dollars which usually seems dubious.

>software development is not predictable
college student detected

> who visit the peons once a week to ask questions for 10 mins then they walk away. they make like 10x the salary of everyone else and they change processes claiming they've saved the company millions of dollars which usually seems dubious.
That's how the entire world works sadly. But it doesn't mean they aren't both retarded in their own way and in this case that op was making a even remotely valid critic

So you are a parasite living off actually productive employees and making their life miserable by forcing them through managerial snake oil.
That is definotely nothing to be proud of.

> So you are a parasite living off actually productive employees and making their life miserable by forcing them through managerial snake oil
I suggest you to learn how to read you cretin.
Tell me you don't need management when you aren't even able to understand 2 lines of basic english

>productive employees
do each of those employees write the entire million+ line app singlehandedly? oh wait they dont, they rely on having to be coordinated by someone who knows the business specification and manages the deadlines.

>”i dont need no managers,
>”i’ll write the whole app all by myself!”
>product arrives to market 16 years behind competitors
>company out of business

>> -> cross functional

Not to the point of counting screws. This is not manufacturing.

smart people use it as a work state visualisation tool, processes and work flows differ and need to adapted to
the problem is blind adherence and blind deviation i.e. both need to be justified

yeah, its engineering. what do you think happens when civil engineers build bridges?
>”when will we finish this? idk, when its done its done”

Any manager that thinks kanban/lean/scrum solves anything must be fired on the spot and be forced to return their past salaries, for they have been essentially thieved from society.

tell me you write spaghetti code without telling me you write spaghetti code

> This is just paying one for many.
It's not. It means that when ***developers*** divided the tasks between ***themselves*** are able to take whatever task they are willing to do and they can cooperate between themselves

> But testing is an actually respectable discipline that cannot be improvised or learnt overnight.
> Is your faggot company providing proper training, or does it expect them to just know about it?
Read again > skilled

It's like a talking to retards at this point. Agile require really skilled devs in a stable team that are able to coordinate themselves independently. That's the whole point of the agile manifesto
The fact that agile doesn't work (or to be more fair, doesn't have acceptable perfomances) it's because you and your team are not skilled enough and whoever proposed using an agile sdlc didn't realize the team wasn't skilled enough

> I'd fire anyone thinking in those terms, but fake globohomo economy allows for it.
You can stop talking memes and git good. You sound like a child

What's with retarded and not being able to read?

>Ultimately you can't change the creative and unpredictable nature of writing software
Most of this unpredictability comes from management.
The real redpill is all these 'methodologies' are attempts to protect engineering from management.

Your mother's a woman.

Not once is any derivative of "skill" mentioned in the manifesto.

i.e. OOP

>The real redpill is all these 'methodologies' are attempts to protect engineering from management.
basically. Can you imagine all this clueless retards complaining of "babysitting" in agile? They don't even realize in any other sdlc you have to produce a deliverable in order to take a dump

It is in any good books of digital project management
IF you want relax in the management (the point of Agile) it means that the devs skill have to compensate that.
If your teams is not sufficiently experienced you *don't* use agile