Job thread

ITT post what job you have, what job(s) you're applying for, or how you maintain your comfy NEET lifestyle.
Ask questions, leave comments, eat shit

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Integration developer, nordic country, about 40k per year with few years of experience. Pretty comfy, ngl.

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>post what job you have
A CS freshman in a private college
>what job(s) you're applying for
I do not know yet as now on what path i'll take in this industry
>or how you maintain your comfy NEET lifestyle.
Not a NEET as now, just yet...

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Back-end dev. Working remotely for US from Eatern Yurop. Job is pretty light, and the time zone difference means people rarely expect me to answer them right away. Quite comfy, but I feel I'm stagnating a bit - plus, I'm starting to regularly see offers with +50% salary - so I'm casually looking for something new.

>I hope to change jobs.
You've been promoted to Blow Job from Hand Job, get on your knees.

Software engineer, $95k/year. Not as much as I could be making but I have almost 0 responsibilities, makes it hard to beat.
Learning solidity and rust to do smartchain stuff. Already made some good money on it, just not enough to quit my day job and keep insurance for more than a year.
Anyone have some shitty banking experiences that they think could be solved without an intermediary?

Been a full stack dev for 10 years now, I want to do something different. I'm considering grabbing some certs and moving to some kind of support role.

What is smartchain stuff? Thx user

I'm a clinical psychologist

EVM, block chain smart contracts. I hate big nose and other bankers and want to do everything in my power to fuck them over.

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NEET millionaire now, so I don't work now. Used to work at a small firm that did services for the government, had to have a 6C clearance. Saved up and bought assets to provide and make a family with longterm GF who ended up making me miserable when I moved in with her, so I GTFO and haven't done anything for the past few months. Might move to south america, i don't really know yet.

someone told me to apply for a 200k job and theyll recomend me, but i keep putting it off
im comfy at my current job bros.... but the money.......

Do it faggot, see where it leads.

>start new b2b project
>the client requires a overly complex onboarding
>have to log into a VM and code on that via windows remote desktop
>they give me a new email to use (outlook)
>take forever to give me credentials, still don't have access to gitlab projects
>no sudo use on the VM yet

fuck this i want to quit.

Which country? In the States, unless that's a management position, they'll expect you to work for it. If the job is in finance, expect to be married to it. Great if you're single, and you'll be able to save lots of money. You can usually learn enough from the culture there to be successful in your personal investments.

Month 1 after layoff, former GIS aggregation dev. Money isn't a significant issue. I am trying to get into the machine learning domain exploiting my graduate math background, but I'm also trying to pick roles that I feel good about so it's really hard. I figure one more month of pretentious anxiety before I break and get a job in finance or advertising or a B2B consultancy or a monopolistic tech giant.

its senior soft engi in aus

Junior back-end for some shitpile written with spring. Shit breaks daily and we are basically on life-support and until we get cloud services up to feature parity which is 4-6 months from now. Then I will get to move to a new team. For now I'm stuck doing production support and on-call rotations which makes me want to blow my brains out. I would quit but I've already quit one job after 6 months so if I quit two in two years then it will probably be hard for me to get another.

How exactly did you go about looking for jobs in the west?

Can I get a work from home programming job without a degree or going to a bootcamp? Is going for certifications worthwhile in this endeavor?

I got rather lucky and found the position on a Yurop-centric job board.

>what job you have
I have three YoE and my TC is approximately $400k as a staff software engineer working from home. I have no idea how this happened and I'm somehow not fucking it up.
My lifestyle has barely changed at all. I still live in my one bedroom apartment and almost never leave it, and I drive the same beater car I had a kid when I do occasionally go somewhere. The only difference is I've started having almost every single one of my meals delivered, which has easily 5x'd my food costs but it still doesn't even register on my finances.
You can do this too (if you're in the US). The ridiculous jobs are out there, just keep searching.

I work help desk. I'm not a NEET. I'm going to get Network+ certified, but I don't see many opportunities in my area that might benefit me. Everyone's demanding several years of experience even with certs.

>I had a kid
I had *as a kid
Didn't have a kid. Not planning to ever.