Void Linux is the ultimate distro

Void Linux is the ultimate distro

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I'm not a transgender woman (male) so I cannot use Void, sorry.

That's okay user, you can always use Alpine

why? it doesn't do anything different, it's the definition of mediocre

Mediocre is Zorin and Mint. Void is different in many ways!

can anyone pack distrobox?

void is for girls alpine is for boys

>Void Linux
You mistyped NixOS

Attached: https:--nixos.org-logo-nixos-logo-only-hires.png (1183x1024, 140.65K)

Rolling release trash is only useful for testing.
Using it on a production machine is idiotic, no matter what LARPers claim.


You don't operate any production machines. Stop using that word as shorthand for the home computer you play games on.

Trans Rights

The difference between the linux distros is basically nitpicking if compared to Windows/Mac.
The normiest ubuntu install is basically assuring you're not getting pwned and being able to do the fuck you want with your machine.
Of course, an apt-get install cinnamon would go miles into making it instantly more useable.

what are you talking about

why don't you apt-get some bitches on ya dick

The init system is unique and overall very bsd-like while maintaining compatibility with Linux software

>Void Linux is the ultimate distro
If you could install Brave and Discord from the nonfree repos instead of compiling them, yes.

>The init system is unique
what? it's not the only distro that uses runit. the only distro with a unique init system i can think of is guix

>brave, discord, and random browser forks not included
like they said, it's the ultimate distro

how is void going to appeal to me, a tranny, if i can't collect useless crypto currency and send discord servers into fits of horny/angry chaos?

what does that make devuan (runit) users?

Attached: eng_104.png (259x224, 15.96K)

Discord is just better as a webpage on a decent browser.
Using the app is basically guaranteeing you will get pwned by some exploit video.


Yeah, but then it doesn't pick up Runelite's rich presence. And Void is one of the only distros I've used that packages Runelite.
So close.

But it's Discord's fault for having a shitty license, not Void's for being limited by it.