Just use docker bro

>just use docker bro
>just load some random image from FurryJohn672
>oh you want something different for yourself? Just do it all again in an image like you'd do on a normal machine
What is the point? I get the need for cluster shit, but even that is irrelevant for 99% of small scale hosts and hobbyists, so why does same group use it so extensively? At best it's a pre done ansible script that you still gotta fix once FurryJohn672 abandoned it..

Attached: tit.png (673x407, 95.5K)

if you don't understand the difference between docker and ansible then you need to do more reading

Docker is gay
Not op, but what's the difference or what's the use case of each?

If you can't reply without being a retard, just let it be.

ansible is like ssh for clusters
docker is like package management for containers + daemon to manage running containers + git for versioning containers

>99% of small scale hosts and hobbyists, so why does same group use it so extensively

I wanted to know this too but in the end I just stopped fighting against it since everyone else basically built everything to use it. I just want to run some services, and the easiest way is all this docker crap.

docker/podman ships the "machine".
ansible automates the configuration of a machine.

hey guys in this tutorial i am going to show you pedoman, now pedoman is a daemonless tool for building and deploying container images. pedoman can either be run by root or by a non-priviledged user. pedoman also has a REST API to manage pedoman's containers, though that's only on linux. if you would like to know more about pedoman you should visit docs.pedoman.io to get started

The point is isolation and the easy way of removing a container and deploying a new one. For example, you can just do an update, and if it breaks something, you can just stop that new container and build a new one based on the old version, until you can fix the problem with the new version.
Also, you always have a clean system. You don't need to install all dependencies on your host, just within the container.

Of course, this doesnt always makes sense. Even worse if you use Kubernetes. Yes, there are many cool projects which use docker to make life easier, but literally 99% of all kubernetes cases I saw are complete nonsense

>docker/podman ships the "machine".
no it doesn't
containers are process isolation
there's no machine in a from scratch container
there's no kernel in the container, containers use the host kernel
you can ship your program and just your program in a container if you like
you can't run a container for x86 linux on arm linux or vice versa
you can't run linux containers on macos without doing it in a linux vm
containers aren't VMs, they're just process isolation

How Docker works is still kind of a mystery to me and I looked at kubernetes but it seemed absolutely worthless to my use cases so I didn't bother learning about it deeper.

>just load some random X from FurryJohn672
isn't that basically everything now anyway?

You're a retard who doesn't understand the concept of an abstraction. Docker containers can be thought of as "a machine", because they tend to ship an entire (stripped-down) userland, they get their own virtual IP, etc. Everybody except you understands that this doesn't mean they're literal VMs.

Why use Docker for development. Literally just run GCC dude.

This might be the actual worse part of it
>find neat idea/software
>no packages
>no instructions how to make or just run even
>but here's a docker image
What the hell, who asked for this?

Sounds reasonable, but I'm kinda at square one where most official images aren't even usable without extra configuration inside. Just look at the mediawiki image comments, a glorious mess.

Probably, still prefer that FurryJohn672 with a little Maintainer badge than that without.

>What's the point
if you had a job you'd know

no you are a nodejs knuckle dragger
bare metal containers with go apps are a thing you should know

Stop being pedantic, retard. This kind of faggotry is why avoiding Docker just to avoid its horrid community is worthwhile.

I'm sure you can give us one without making a fool out of yourself.

easiest explainable usecase i've seen countless times : try having a working environment when stacy uses a macbook, kevin is running some obscure distro and ramesh will never stop using windows

i use it as a way to run multiple services on one machine
it's a pain to make sure services don't step on each other without containerizing them

but all still need to install docker which will run stacy and ramesh stuff in a linux vm anyway?