Is Zorin OS the final pill?

Is Zorin OS the final pill?

Attached: zorin.png (3840x2160, 3.24M)

Ubuntu with a riced out gnome. Fork of a fork.

I have used arch/gentoo/void and a few BSD's moved back to Windows 10, linux is pretty fucking stupid if your not running a server. And if you don't know how to debloat windows so litterally 99% of the problems the loonix community complains about, well ya enjoy your shitty held by glue desktop OS, troubleshooting it everyday.

They key point you don't realize is that every distribution is the same
>inb4 but distroname ships with this and that as defaults and anotherdistroname with dis n dat
They're interchangeable

>But with LOONIX you have so much freedom ! you can even uninstall SUDO AND THE BOOTLOADER ! CANT DO THAT ON WINDOWS

ya who the fuck wants that.


who the fuck cares, the day someone comes to my house and arrests me based on my porn history, I will start caring

ya you fucking loonix idiots customize your shitty desktops only to distro hop the next week like a legit actual retard

Don't just spout BS, windows does a fine job of being a server and Linux is ideal for 90% of laptop users.

wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. only people that dont actually use linux use this

Ya except 90% of laptop users are tech illiterate retards which is why your shitty loonix will always stay under 5% userbase cause no one actually uses linux on baremetal on laptop, thats why we have VMs

That is not how you spell "yeah". And my grandma has been using Pop!_OS on her Vivobook just fine for about a year now. Seethe.

>That is not how you spell "yeah"
Ya and yeah are distinct words

is this completely true? that you could take any distro and turn it into any other distro using the command line?


windows 10 is the final pill

To the point where I can run neofetch and it will say it's something else? i can change from .rpn to .deb and etc. etc.?


Given extreme amount of effort, yes

Nah, Arch or Debian is the final pill. Fuck the derivatives.

more like the first

isnt every change on linux just a matter of apt-get____ and editing text files?

is there anything unique about it?

>who the fuck cares, the day someone comes to my house and arrests me based on my porn history, I will start caring
So you'll start caring when it's too late?
As expected from wintoddlers.