sole web monkey for a warehouse

> sole web monkey for a warehouse
> maintain old php and c spaghetti plate
> paid $60k pre-tax in commiefornia
> too many bugs; boss wants me to redevelop entire resource system to Go
> tell her I'd do it for $90k
> user, all you're doing is smacking a keyboard all day, keep dreaming haha
> too tired from work to learn new skills
> too unskilled to step up from tgis prison
> forever desolate

Attached: Sad-Face-Emoji-clipart-free.png (750x728, 56.92K)

>> too unskilled to step up from tgis prison

I'll take your job sir. Remote only sir in java

>user, all you're doing is smacking a keyboard all day, keep dreaming haha
Tell her to check how much it would cost her to outsource it, or to hide another dev to do it, she'll come crawling back

flip your eyelids inside out and get crackin on that code son

She's just told me to put out an intern listing for $40k so idk.
It was the only decent job in my armpit of a city, and I had to ditch my bachelor's halfway to take care of family shit from covid

>in charge of rewriting the whole stack
at this point might as well quit.

Eventually you'll get fired and find a new job that's much better and realize you should have quit to do it long ago.

So she wants to pay you 60k and another clueless retard intern who won't contribute shit for 40k for a total of 100k when she could just pay you 90k to do it? Find a new job, this woman is a retard.

>tell her I'd do it for $90k
did you just tell "that'll be $90k" without any details or did you at least make an analysis and estimate _why_ it's that much?

I actually did a break down and used median salary data to sgow her how much of a bargain she was getting.
> rewrite system in Go
> I'd leave the company, but offer 2 years of active support and training
> any additional feature requests would be an agreed fixed sum on delivery and I'd pay for any costs that went towards failed attempts.
> the $90k would be paid over 1.5 years.
Like I was really trying to do a favor for her with this while also helping myself beef up a resume

>fixed price
>those clauses
wew lad
no wonder they passed
it's not even about the amount of money, it's just a very poorly planned deal

consider finishing some consultancy course maybe before you propose any deals

retard why didnt you just say you needed a raise for that much work? Theyre your boss, you dont tell them your own job offer

not him but sounds like she wants essentially for him to train and intern to do his job and fire him, even as someone who is applying for internet jobs I know that person know nothing about SWE or even webdev if she thinks a internet (not even jr) would be able to do much if any of the GOlang back end or whatever the fuck she wants

oh well. knowing her ignorance she wouldn't have taken me seriously enough even if I tried. she already asked a family friend to help her but he kindly noped the fuck outta that.

the cunt initially approached me with a $2300 bonus and a 2018 model roomba if I rewrote the system in Go, which already set me on fucking edge to want to be an electric cowboy, all things considered.

Grow some backbone and leave this shitty job

>user, all you're doing is smacking a keyboard all day, keep dreaming haha

Should've left then and there and told her to go fuck herself, you spineless worm. If you're somewhat competent you'd have no trouble scoring a better paying remote job.

>paid $60k pre-tax in commiefornia
Get a new job immediately

>Get a new job immediately
working on it thanks

i wouldve haggled for 5k and two roombas
