Provide great services for free

>provide great services for free
>get bashed for it
What is the logic of Any Forumstards?

Attached: Google__G__Logo.svg.png (2048x2048, 90.97K)

>for free


“free” as in provide data for them to optimize ads, sell seo search results, and data mining of every aspect of your life

Then how come I pay for them?

could shills be anymore obvious?

lovely bait

If Google started charging money, the whining would be loud.

>lurk on Any Forums for (thing) most people hate here
>point out about it calling them retards
what is the logic of bait niggers?


You do not unless you are using their premium services

I literally pay for the services you use
Where do you think they get their revenue from, boy-genius Jimmy Neutron?
That's right, people/corporate that pay them money

Try setting up Google drive on windows with the same account on 2 computers and start moving files.

Now try setting up OneDrive on multiple machines and tell me which one actually works.

>where does Google get their money? well, they get their money from people that pay them money, you see.

Attached: 276133995_10159230400162732_7688610774875828068_n.jpg (523x587, 14.87K)

>not using Google Drive the way it's meant to be use - as an online hard disk
i shiggy

Then it's not
>for free
It's just not your momma's debit card

The services they provide to me are free.

youtube has gotten worse significally since they have aquired it and they added zero features that made it better for the users, we had everything 20 years ago videos, channels, playlists. stagnation. they only added corporate bullshit like more monetarization and fucked up the algorithm in the process and they will continue to do so.

>for free
I had set up a free mail domain 10 years ago, google then said they would never charge us and now they want to charge us starting april

so, how much does youtube charge you to use it?

No they aren't
If you get a birthday cake, does it mean that no-one paid for it?
Literally got flour and whatever for free?

No, but I got it for free. Why does it matter if someone else paid for it?

nothing in life is free. NOTHING
if you believe otherwise, you are naïve, a zoomer, or both

it shits ads into your face, i'm paying for the service with my data and attention(time)

I can go to and use their search engine and it will cost me $0.

>Why does it matter if someone else paid for it?
Because if they didn't, you wouldn't get it

>I pay for movie tickets by watching the movie

But I am getting it. For free.

But they aren't free

if its on free TV I'm paying by watching the ads. idiot

They are to me

Paying means money transfer

They are free for the user. End users don't have to make a money transfer to google to access Gmail, Youtube, to ship apps to Android, etc...

nobody will ever pay for youtube don't even try it

I'm sure some people would. But if they started charging money most of them would freak because they don't get their freebies anymore. Which they were never entitled to in the first place.

Yet employees still have to get paid, servers maintained etc
Therefore they aren't free

Yeah. They're still free for the end user though.

Yes they are



And you are paying for it by surrendering private information and your privacy

Actually I'm not paying for it.

It's not bashed for "providing great services for free".

I think it is. Perhaps despite, not for.