Daily reminder, not even going to consider a GPU purchase unless its under MSRP and possible another 100$ below that...

daily reminder, not even going to consider a GPU purchase unless its under MSRP and possible another 100$ below that. Feels good to be a wait chad. Not going to buy a gpu until I can get a 6800xt for 600$, new in the box, with warranty :).

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are gpu prices finally dropping? what happened?

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Normies turned on crypto because NFTs were too easy to make normie-tier sketch comedy jokes about.

Do you think Intel is still going to launch their dedicated GPUs at super Jew prices?

6700xt decreased in price from 750-800$ which is what it was 2-3 weeks ago, where as now they are selling for 550-600 for the past 24 hours on ebay and continually dropping. 6700xt's for 600$ not selling on newegg and no bots are buying them, indicating that the price is nowhere near what they are asking, supply is too much and that demand is near MSRP prices. 6800xt also dropped from 1500$ to 1000$ new on ebay now. So what this all means since 6700xt is dropping price VERY fast, 6800xt is coming down steadily, people will just buy AMD since 6800xt is as powerful as a 3080 and gaymers care nothing about raytracing to justify 600$+ msrp scalped nvidia 3080's new. So my theory is by the end of april, 6700xt will be at LEAST below 550$ or below MSRP. 6800xt will be 900$ new.

The world is flooded with russian GPU supply probably.
In my country, prices are down 30% from the last week and they aren't selling
Word is that Nvidia has reduced GPU prices, making AIBs cut prices snowballing into a GPU price drop towards msrp. Scalpers holding GPUs have no choice but to let go at the new normal GPU pricing, causing another flood of cheap GPU supply
And miners aren't expanding their mining rigs as Eth is going POS in months

eth is at 3k, why are they dumping

>2 weeks until POS
i have been hearing this for years lol

It got delayed, but apparently its happening for real in june. If it wasn't scalpies wouldn't be dumping. Somebody up the pipeline knows something and started a chain event. Either that, or there's a huge supply of cards flooding the market right now and demand has now intersected and has become lower than supply momentarily.

or maybe, idk, war?

that too, whatever putins doing, he needs to continue if prices are dropping this quick!

the GPU's especially 6700xt and 6800xt werent going down in price in the first week of russia invading, It's only been this last week where they went from 750 to now 550-600$ new and the stock is just sitting there on new egg with no one buying it. You can even buy 20 6700xts at a time. So whatever it is, it's clear that GPU supply is getting much better


Fellow wait chad here. My 900 series still works just fine and I won't be upgrading until it's a FAIR exchange. Scalpniggers better start counting their losses.

1070 wait chad here and don't even use a dedicated GPU in one of my main computers chad i don't see the point of upgrading until display port 2.0 is being used in monitors i refuse to pay a dime to scalpniggers

MSRP sellers only

Voting with your wallet doesn't work, moron, never has.

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dont really know what this means desu so im just going to pretend i didn't read it

I dont care, still not buying your overpriced GPU scalper gorilla nigger

meh, I bought an RTX 3060 for like 600 bucks at Microcenter because I have a disposable income and don't really give a fuck. Kinda with I just went with the 3070 for 800 instead but I convinced myself at the time that I didn't need it. Too be fair, I was kinda right

>paying outrageous prices just to play some shitty graphically insane game with shit gameplay
Cheap as fuck low end cards or GTFO.

Scalpie mad

>Buy cheap GPU
>obsolete in a year
>buy expensive GPU
>it will remain viable for at least 5 years or more

Yknow what's funny?
I bought a 5600G and it literally plays every game I care about at 1080 60fps
You wanna sell me a stupid piece of shit that's gonna make my electricity bill higher and wont even do anything?
Yeah no thanks I'm good

going from a 2080 super to a 6700 xt would be a sidegrade right?

Yeah, I would say maybe even a slight downgrade. 2080 is a solid card, don't know why you would even consider replacing it yet

How? Shit still works to run the same shit it always has, it's not like the games you don't want to run then will suddenly be appealing in a year and be supported just as long. Low end cards will be viable just as long or longer than your "I WANNA RUN MY SHIT GRAPHICALLY INSANE GAME WITH ZERO GAMEPLAY" trash.

I like to imagine a world where NOBODY buys this shit so they get stuck with the hardware and never try this shit again.

i would be a wait chad as well, but my gtx 1080 got btfo so i just went to costco and bought a rtx 3080ti pc from them. scalpies didnt get my money