What's the ideal cognitive Any Forums diet?

What's the ideal cognitive Any Forums diet?
No coffee, no sugar, no fast food. Only fruit, rice and salmon? I don't know. What is it! Tell me the secret.

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Chickpeas, barley, fresh onions (as in Tor links, not as in söy), protein isolate, BCAA, boiled eggs, omega-3, vitamin D3.

Chic fil a for every meal plus a minimum of 3 sodas a day

no sodas a day user...

>no sugar

Raw milk
Raw eggs
Raw beef
An entire rotisserie chicken
Ungodly amounts of coffee and tea
Driving fast and listening to Motörhead
The sweat of a spunky track-and-field woman

10 slices of bacon and 4 eggs for breakfeast
whatever cheap chinese grocery food tray thing for dinner
whiskey and vodka for supper

Porridge, lots of water, fruit and vegetables, chicken and brown rice, no sugar.

>gas water
Kekistani Peterson mastermind
>no sugar
>normal shit tier diet
Actual Any Forums enjoyer diet
>air + hard dry fast
Actual RIAEvangelist Basedboy diet

the brains of people smarter than you, fastest way to absorb their wisdom and fully grok

>getting as idiotic as possible in order to delude yourself about your own level of intelligence
doofus go vegan

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added sugar vs fruit sugar

>cognitive diet
whatever tastes the closest to distilled faggotry

In addition to whatever they say, try sprouts. Not bean sprouts, but clover, alfalfa, broccoli sprouts. I love sprouts and have been going through a ton--may start growing them myself. They have a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs. I usually make one or two loaves of bread a week for sprout sandwiches.

cum, three times a day

just because you put Any Forums somewhere in your post, does not mean your drivel is related to technology. there are entire generals for this kind of thing, on the WHOLE fucking board dedicated to cooking. you really think you're going to get good diet advice from schizoids and mtn dew guzzling basement dwellers? jesus fucking christ....

Very little sugar. A bit of honey or fruit is fine sometimes. No seed oils. Plenty of beans, lentils, rice, fish, red meat. Whole milk and tons of water, coffee with heavy cream is OK too. You should offset the cortisol/stress hormone you get from coffee by having it with cream and eating something beforehand. Cook all your meals and don't keep snacks around. That way you will appreciate food more and eat less. Another thing to note is that if you fast for over 24 hours your alertness increases, and you don't have to spend time cooking, eating and shitting. Of course you should sleep plenty as well or else this will only do so much good for you :3

Protip: its the exact fucking same

only coffee and maybe an orange and a spoonful of peanut butter a day. I'm not kidding.

same thing user damn, it's not magically good for you because it sprouts out of the ground.

You need to eat a lot of fruits to consume a lot of sugar. You need to physically chew them and at some point you'll get tired of chewing. You'll also need to consume a lot of fiber and water because fruits are made of fiber and water. At some point you'll feel full because of all that fiber and water.
It's hard to consume unhealthy amounts of sugar if eating fruits.

no they're structurally different and it's far easier to overeat added artificial sugar

this is unironically cope

>you really think you're going to get good diet advice from schizoids and mtn dew guzzling basement dwellers?

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Holy fucking retard cope


>The sweat of a spunky track-and-field woman
ponder on the aroma

mostly plant based, unprocessed whole plant based foods. Beans, Lentils, whole grains, nuts & seeds, vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to move your ass everyday as well

now this is retard cope