How to make my laptop as anti-normie as possible? Using GNU/Linux

How to make my laptop as anti-normie as possible? Using GNU/Linux

Attached: laptopcryingpepe.jpg (720x720, 63.63K)

Use a pic of a naked loli as wallpaper.

Just use a screen lock and put a password?

porn or anime wallpaper

A window manager like dwm or i3

anime is mainstream

How hard is it to mess with that shit? You literally just press some keys to open dmenu or a terminal and that is fucking it. I would rather put a screen lock.

normies don't like neet weebs who watch japenese cartoons

Tiling wm, no display manager

Anime is real

Get rid of Linux. put DOS and do everything through commands. If you "need" any new programs just code them yourself into the OS. What? are you a normie or something?

normies cant into anything that doesn't have big bright colorful buttons
also use a different keyboard layout like dvorak

No systemd
No pipewire
No pulseaudio
No wayland
No display manager
No desktop environment
No wallpaper
FDE with password+keyfile (keyfile stored on USB thumb drive and removed when not in use)
That means you should be typing in an encryption password, then your username and password at login, then launching openbox from your xinitrc file with a plain black background and only the default pipe menu - no panel/taskbar, no application menu, no systray, other than a browser, most tasks should be done in a terminal.
Furthermore, you should physically remove the webcam and microphone if present.



No anime really is mainstream now. Just go on tinder and half the people who have a profile will mention they watch anime, even the hot ones.


just install DOS

With DOS you have no network stack by default either. It's either static linked to your program or it isn't there.


make your laptop use gentoo on ram, so you have to reinstall it every time you turn your computer off

greatest idea so far