How can I find a programming job with no degree or relevant experience? I am willing to work for relatively low pay

How can I find a programming job with no degree or relevant experience? I am willing to work for relatively low pay.

Attached: no degree.jpg (225x225, 8.8K)

>contribute to projects in github
>make ur own software and have code on github
bam, insta hire. no degree needed.

How do I use github?

Google it. If you still cant figure it out youre just not ready to do it. Stay constant thats my advice for you

Mechanical engineer here found out 2 engineers quit for FAANG just now. Hahha wish I took coding earlier. Haha I wish I dosn't listen to my azn parents haha I could be making 100k plus without being a manager earlier than expected hahahaha

>filtered by college
>Any Forumstard
>making this stupid thread

What kind of projects should I contribute to and upload? I made winforms solitaire for an old version of .net a while back

I only dropped out of university because I hated online learning. I already know how to code.

>I already know how to code
>don't know how to use git or even google it

Find a level 1 tech job that doesn't micro manage. Learn the basics, automate the basics, and then learn more in your new spare time.

Decide today you're a woman
Start HRT
Put on programmer socks
Simple as

Attached: 1640818049225.png (768x719, 528.61K)

I have downloaded stuff from git before

What do you mean by "level 1 tech job" and where can I find one?


No one who actually knows how to code says they know how to code.

t. knowledgeable coder

are you a trans? HR will hire you even if you don't have any skills or degree.

>No one who actually knows how to code says they know how to code.

I don't get it. I know how to code and if someone doesn't know me and asks, I say that I can code this and that, or I talk about things I've done or am doing. What do you say?

Why there isn't a general for this already. We have 50 threads like this every fucking day.

What are you making now and how many years experience?

Is this your first day on this board? We have the memories of deficient fruit flies.

A basic IT job. Server maintenance, imaging computers. Whatever. Super basic, but a good starting point that also takes care of not having to starve on the street/go in debt.

I think programming is one of the easier fields to get into without a degree, just get good. Since you have to actually prove you're good instead of getting a foot in the door thanks to credentialism, it's just a matter of persistence

I meant to say download from github with git clone
I do know because I did really well in my high school computer science courses with hardly any effort whatsoever (unlike most of the class)
Sounds good, will employers see this as relevant experience for a programming job?