How is large scale internet surveillance even possible...

How is large scale internet surveillance even possible? There are literally billions of ip packets with encrypted payloads being transported every second. Can countries like China really keep track of such traffic?

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They're hoarding data and their hope is they'll develop an AI to manage it.

spbp /thread

there's not a workforce or people that keep track of traffic. no one is spying on you, no one is looking through your browser history to blackmail you

All the data is ingested into an LARGE-scale machine learning system. These petabytes of "unimportant" data collected build an accurate profile of you over time, accurate enough to model your behavior with 99% accuracy. Multiply this by hundreds of millions of people - each profile is correlated with every other profile to make more inferences, and make the AI even smarter - and you effectively have a machine that can predict the future. You can feed it hypothetical inputs and it will accurately model the population's reaction at large. Massage the inputs until the desired output is achieved, then put it into action with the propaganda machine. Congrats, you control the population through the internet

see: chain of bizarre, seemingly unconnected events which everyone reacts to in a certain way - reactions which are slowly shaping society

Who is this?
Imagine fucking him from behind and his bitch tits jiggling while you grab his bulging gut. I bet his moans are very deep and gravelly

>run grep on internet traffic, look for patterns and keywords, ignoring videos and other useless data
>also keep all the metadata
not that difficult with the right hardware, I guess. even encrypted data has metadata...

security agencies can save it all, and look through it later if your name comes up. China is the closest to 1984 real time monitoring and while highly dystopian they still dont have the manpower for everything.

encryption schemes are a tradeoff of security and CPU time, as CPUs get faster older encryption schemes become untenale, encrypted traffic is saved to be broken 5-10 years later.

these people think long-term, slowly building infra both technical and legal/political, and they wont be happy until they can monitor everything in real time. security types are driven, anal retentive, detail oriented, and perfectionists. They're always asking 'How can we?' never asking 'Should we?', and unironically have a good vs evil patriotic worldview. Being a spook is hard they want to see physical fitness, college degrees, highly organized people in those roles. They're not evil, there's just nobody checking them and they dont consider the ramifications of what they do because imagine the horror of doing all this spying and NOT being the good guy. they HAVE to see themselves as the good guy or they'd be crushed by the reality of their work. This is why Edward Snowden went nuts, blew the whistle, and fled the country. The shock of realizing the ramifications of his actions was world-view shattering.

yeah, goverments spend billions on faaking destroying trees and feeling everything with concrete

this, but they're not just waiting for AI. more like waiting for quantum computing.
internet surveillance works best in places like china and russia where everything is controlled. China in particular has access to data and encryption is basically illegal. All chinese companies must keep logs and provide them to the authorities. Surveillance works differently in western countries like the USA. It's a more delicate, surgical and focused process.


>save everything indiscriminality
>never do anything with it
usa, china
>barely save anything
>mostly relevant data
>still do nothing with it
france, germany

the current state of global surveillance is embarrassing, so much taxe payer money is funneled into this non-sense for barely any result, see the trillions of terrorist attacks in europe, EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people was on a list and alledgedly under surveillance (they weren't).

the actual global surveillance you should be wary of is from globohomos, they won't raid your house or suicide you in your sleep but they wil use every single psyops technic they can to make you weak, angry, pathetic and alone and all of this is automated with complex algorithms created for the sole purpose of turning people into hollow shells.
globohomos have more blood on their hands thank to psychological abuse than from slaves dying in mines or factories.
this is why you should AVOID propaganda AT ALL COST, no, no, no, no, you're not though enough to tank it, iT WILL affect at some point and you'd better stay the fuck away from it altogether, ignorance can be bliss, you have no reason to put up with their bulshit.
many ex employees from facebook and google are now advocating against them, they left once they realized the full extend of their work and how absolutely evil all of it is.

>barely save anything
Was ist Vorratsdatenspeicherung

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Source of this daddy, please

ban access to apps you don't like and force corporations to turn over all data on users
pretty easy

Posts like this are why I keep visiting Any Forums.

Seconded, please!

He who controls the logs controlls the internet

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Do the wafflestomp to filter those logs

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the 3 letter agencies overblow the whole encryption SSL thing because they either recruit 1 high level admin in your company or they just gain access to your servers... or if they can't gain access they hand you a NSL (national security letter) bundled with a gag order for access to your security certificate private keys.

This is why perfect forward secrecy isn't widely adopted.

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They blackmail one of your employees for being a borderline pedophile in their teen years or they just hack you for your SSL keys. Most of the big certificate authorities are backdoored. Use Perfect Forward Secrecy.