What does Any Forums dev environment?

what does Any Forums dev environment?

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bash and neovim
vscodium if i ever need it
emacs offers nothing over either and you need a gorillion modes to make it usable and i very much doubt it's any more efficient, org is nice


i use windows
with a vbox
into gentoo
into gentoo inside qemu in the gentoo
this is where i have my libs/pkgs
i then docker all my scripts

pen and paper

nix-shell and vim

kys tier post my man


punch cards and a 1401


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vscode for python/pygame (don't install the python extension thing, it's fucked: config manually), command line with tmux for C, qt creator

CLion for C++. Rider for C#.

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switching between emacs and vscode
not sure i feel about either

notepad++, cmd, google chrome

Vscode with vim extension. If I wanna feel like a hipster, then neovim.

Pen and paper + scanner + OCR software

Visual Studio code masterrace

Vs code
Clang, clangd, clang-format, clang-tidy


AlmaLinux, make, joe