/gdg/ - Game Development General #5 | Trying To Improve Edition

Welcome to /gdg/ - Game Development General

This thread is intended for game and engine developers of all levels. Post projects you're working on. Share resources to add to the general is you have them. Since this is a new general, it needs a lot of help and tweaking.

>What about /agdg/?
This thread is meant to be more about the programming behind games, as well as learning game development.

▶ Tutorials
>Game Dev Getting Started
>Simple Game States in C
>GoDot Game Dev Beginner Tutorial
>C++ Game Dev Tutorials (Simple 2D and 3D Games From Scratch)

▶ Making Engines
>SDL (Full suite: audio, graphics, and input)
>Raylib (Full suite)
>OpenGL (Low-level graphics)

▶ Engines
godotengine.org/ (2D/3D Game Engine, Cross-Platform)
pygame.org/ (2D and some 3D Game Engine in Python, Cross-Platform)
unity.com/ (3D/2D Engine, Cross-Platform)
unrealengine.com/en-US/ (3D Engine, Cross-Platform)

▶ Editors
>General Images
>Wave Editor

▶ Digital Distribution Platforms

More Resources: pastebin.com/cvmqjBRQ

Previous /gdg/:

Attached: sdl.png (1200x603, 64.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Put magnum.graphics/ in the sticky baby.

redpill me on azdo opengl

might as well add Vulkan below OGL since its also open and gives dev more control like DirectX

I put Vulkan in the pastebin, we have a lot of links and I felt like the OP should be more along the lines of common/recommended stuff

Is chunking flat plane meshes and fog the only way to do large terrains on webgl2 ?

I'm thinking of doing a top down something, maybe an RTS or whatever and I'm wondering what is the best way to do topdown terrain

Or should i not bother in this case and just render 4-5 tiles near the camera with threejs and be done with it ?

You should consider how you want the camera to behave. If it is a fixed zoom, then you could get away with just not caring, as areas not within the cameras field of view will not be rendered. If there is quite a lot of terrain then dividing it into chunks could be a solution.
If the camera can zoom all the way out and view the entire map, you might want to consider making the terrain less resource intensive, or using LODs.

>▶ Digital Distribution Platforms
for what reason lmao
i hate arbitrarily bloated OPs with easily googled information.
If anyone here has ever been a /vg/ or general regular, they know nobody fucking reads OPs when they get this bloated.

You can use a LOD streaming system, the terrain only becomes more detailed when you zoom in. This works on WebGL1 / WebGL2

I want to make a car that drives with WASD. I use Manjaro Linux. I have experience with nothing other than python. What engine and language should I use?

I know that both Unity and Unreal have drop in car scripts, physics and all. But I don't know much else.

Help me make a choice, anons.
I want to make a grand strategy game along the lines of Vicky/HOI but I only know a bit of python.

I could be wrong but it looks like Godot and Unity aren't really suited to the kind of game I want to make, which is why I'm looking at doing it myself. What would be the best option:
>Learn a pre-existing engine
>Some kind of C language and SDL
>None of the above. I'll happily take suggestions

Attached: image0-32.jpg (1004x684, 106.64K)

Sounds comfy, I'll look into it.

engine dev is the only viable option.
Still, i really recommend making much smaller strat games and build up to your grand strat. It is up there with an MMO for "games beginners probably shouldn't attempt"

Also grand strat dev here. Been making my own engine. C++ with SDL for window / inputs, OpenGL via GLAD for rendering, Dear ImGui for UI (with a sort of retained mode User Interface class running over top of it) and a couple other useful little utility libraries such as Clipper for handling tile combination for things like state outlines.

You can do it with Javascript.

Strategy games kind of need their own engine to do well, but making your own engine is prohibitively difficult

Unity or godot are perfectly fine for this. Keep in mind that you can keep your gameplay data separate from Unity's/godot's object systems and just use them for rendering/sound/etc.
The only semi-reasonable complaint would be performance, but if that's a real concern Just down scale your ambition instead. Languages without GC aren't a magic bullet, especially because GC pauses aren't _that_ relevant for a grand strategy game.
Do engine dev if you like, but it's not gonna kill you if you don't.
The issue with mmo projects is that by their very nature they're impossible to meaningfully scale down.
A heavily scaled down gsg is just something like RISK which is a high school level project.

>A heavily scaled down gsg is just something like RISK
yeah, i'm sure he's really hyped about making a RISK clone instead of a full GS like the ones he's played

... as opposed to some small strategy game which is even less like a full sized gsg?
And I'm obviously not saying 'clone RISK', the point is that it's not hard to scale down grand strategy

>... as opposed to some small strategy game which is even less like a full sized gsg?
to build up experience, skills and knowledge, yes?
the big game you want to make should not be your first