Old == good

>old == good
why is Any Forums like this?

Attached: Miyamizu_Mitsuha_Reading_C_Programming.png (1920x1080, 2.44M)

old != good
why are normies like this?

if you're content with current product then you won't get excited for next product

old == good

Needing to feel special, snowflake syndrome.

See the Lindy effect.

>new == bloated

It's not just Any Forums but the technically inclined. Those that have focus on getting a grip on their system tend to focus on foundational mechanisms. When a technology is being developed, generally the foundational mechanisms are the first things to be there and for most things the foundation is the only thing that's there. A lot of features get added on, not out of necessity, but for convenience, which adds unnecessary complexity. Any Forums would call that bloat.

Car guys are also like this, economists, politicians, sailors, etc

Studying history helps me understand the present and the future

New = botnet

Old languages are more difficult by design, which raises the barrier to entry, which keeps out normies.

Attached: 1596484863230.gif (400x486, 161.41K)

>new == good
why are retards like this?


why is wrong exactly?
If it were, nostalgia wouldn't be so prevalent.

Since the rise of GitHub it feels like an arms race to be the most popular programmer and become a Satoshi or a Linus so people invent things just for the sake of gaining fame and a lot of times it's just redoing something that already exists and marketing it like it's better.

So the days of programming for fun are gone?

many new things are good
like emacs 29
it is just that usually things tend to get worse over time due to an abundance of good goys
exhibits: processors, operating systems, programming languages, internet, the world wide web

that's tough to answer. One one hand yes because retards will make you install massive lists of packages and run docker containers and set up large IDEs and toolchains to do something stupidly simple so more time is spent on setup than not. On the other, simple and fun things do still exist if you can drown out all the noise and find good content on the internet to learn from and not feel pressured to turn it into a public spectacle.

Old is stable and reliable and usually cheaper than the new and exciting thing you're shilling.

>port * to Rust

simple && practical == good

1. true
2. what do you mean?

irony is most of the cunts saying this are 16yo zoomers.....

Attached: Bread.jpg (500x375, 45.12K)

can't blame zoomies, they were forced into a post-soul world

because it's true