Looking for the fastest and lightweightest way to design/code fromscratch a ready use seamless pseudo 3d superscaler...

Looking for the fastest and lightweightest way to design/code fromscratch a ready use seamless pseudo 3d superscaler paralax environment model that are ready to demo

Attached: ninjas-in-field.gif (256x240, 186.25K)

unsigned char image[256][256];

for (int y = 0; y < 256; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < 256; ++x) {
image[y][x] = /* Insert code here */;
Here you go, bud.

Why limit to 256? Isn't it better to limit to screen_width and screen_height and just scroll vertically/horizontally?

DIY on any console with scrolling background registers

wtf is this some java shit where do i even compile this
>place code here
so... i go to the sprite sheefrom here?

console as in DoS or nintendo switch
also "DIY" means alot depending on the machine bud

if you're too retarded to program give up and come back later

and u r 4 but you cant be in Any Forums

The screen is just an array of pixels. Bang some shit around and you get graphics.

Stop taking my facetious answer seriously.

...the z isnt even sorted

The screen doesn't care about z-indexing. That's your problem.


If you're OP and think you're going to do some tricky hardware shit with sprites/overlay planes, basically nothing outside of some mobile shit works like that anymore, and in the places it still works, it's unportable and unstandardized as fuck and very hard to use.
Stop being a needless retro autist and just reimplement the effect in 3d like everyone else does.

yeah i wasnt even angy but without z indexing then stuff wont have idea which ones on top duh and hence not a "3d" or even pseudo.

Depth buffering/z indexing really is just an intermediate rendering thing. The final display never sees it, whether that's your computer monitor directly or your application's window. It really is just a bunch of pixels, just maybe not laid out as simply as you'd think.

Are you the same guy who made this thread yesterday?

Holy shit that thread was a trip. This must be the same OP.

Despite his terrible redaction I was actually trying to understand and help him, but I don't even think he knows what he wants.

That makes no sense.
Show me example.

>That makes no sense.
Which part?

3d space renders z in order so things look 3d bud