There is literally no good trustworthy search engine

There is literally no good trustworthy search engine

Attached: 1646708608807.png (1106x830, 500.78K)

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It's time to start leaving the cyber world fren. It has been taken over by normalfags, women and jews.

Attached: lookfrogs.png (600x549, 335.94K)

Don't care still using Google.

google's fine

Just build your own.
I think Jews have always been part of the scene. Nogs on the other hand, would make more sense.

FOSS search when?

It's called Yandex. Best reverse image tool as well.

True if a search engine claims to be trustworthy why aren't they open source?

i think it’s bc they want a strong open source sector of the economy
i think maybe a big crypto purpose is to figure a way to properly pay open source devs autonomously and trustlessly
bc obv gitcoin isn’t it
my current thinking is like randomness where it’s not possible to be fair so try to make it equally unfair

There can't be one by definition, unless the database is stored locally. Anonymize your client instead.

someone still needs to run the server. only decentralized search will solve this problem

just use google and put on your tinfoil hat.

>Just build your own.
I remember doing a research paper in college on the mitigation techniques that search engines have to use to filter out click farms. That was ten years ago, and I remember how much my head hurt looking at the calculus and discrete math that the engineers had to do to get around this one specific problem. There's no way in hell anyone is homebrewing a search engine, and if someone does, it WILL suck.

My opinion is pure speculation. With that said, I have a feeling that search engines are one of those rare cases where being closed source is better for security and maintainability. Most pieces of software are just the opposite, but imagine the headaches that Google would face if its code was leaked in its entirety. No one from that company would be going on vacation anytime soon.

>Best reverse image tool as well

Just use brave.

great for images, trash with anything else. Searched for angel olsen and got a porn result on the first page.

>angel olsen
Ah, a fellow man of culture.

The bandwidth and storage alone you would need would be in the hundreds of millions probably. That and many websites will block crawlers that don't belong to one of the existing big search engines basically locking out new entrants to the market.

Use google for normal basic shit
use yandex and brave for harder to find shit
use "gut feeling" to bullshit other stuff

duck duck go

And that's a good thing.