Is it just me or have smartphone displays become less sensitive in the past years...

is it just me or have smartphone displays become less sensitive in the past years? I often need to tap twice or thrice on the same element of the UI for it to register, and it isn't just me, basically everyone I know suffers from this on their device regardless of the model or price, even when they don't use screen protectors of any sort. I don't remember having this issue before the notchless/curved displays started to dominate the market.

Attached: picrel.jpg (740x488, 54.59K)

Its a combination of higher blood pressure and nerve damage in your fingers

For me it's the opposite

In my case it's probably because I set my DPI to as small as possible, to the point where I set it even smaller in developer options, so I probably end up missing the screen elements with my fingers

I have bitchboy hands and the harshest task they ever do is wash my cock and balls, so I doubt that I have nerve damage.

I've been using a consistent DPI for all my smartphones

damn, user. Im sorry to tell you but you got ligma and Old at the same time

I've heard of ligma, but how does the "Old" joke go?

Smartphones are faster than ever but apps is becoming heavier and more sluggish than ever as well.

Its true. Go dig up one of your older phones and you'll see they'll work no better.
Think of nerves like pixels, because they're damaged (or the skin is swollen due to increased blood pressure) you don't get as fine control - this is the cause.

What brand of phone do you use?

This is the future we chose

Attached: wirth's law.png (729x305, 41.43K)

I guess if you say so, I don't have any of them on hand right now.
I've mostly used Motorola in the past years. While I do admit their displays are shit, as I mentioned above pretty much everyone I know has the same issues I have and they use other brands. I've also used older 16:9 notchless phones from motorola and they still were better.

Yes new software is very poor. Older phones with slower CPUs and eMMc storage are about as fast while running older software as newer ones with CPUs 5x better and UFS on newer software, but at the end of the day it is directly proportional: hardware is getting as good as software is getting bloated so it evens out.

Different user,
You mentioned having bitchboy hands. It might be a moisture problem with your skin. Too much moisturizing oil can cause this (or too dry). Oils can have have an insulating effect on the ion transfer that is needed to make your screen activate properly. My hands tend to be on the dry side so a little moisturizer helps, I know from experience that when my hands are dirty or covered in certain types of lubricants or caulk/sealants then my screen doesn't work. I keep a stylus with me when my hands are dirty.

This is actually very useful information, thanks.

There's nothing wrong with the displays, it's just that touch rejection algorithms have gotten more aggressive as time has gone on.
You ever seen an old person use a smartphone? How their fingers just kinda vaguely and inaccurately move towards the thing they want to interact with, and usually miss by a decent margin and with a hugely varying amount of pressure and linger time? When they inevitably hit the wrong UI element 30% of the time and cause the wrong action to be performed, they get even more confused and now have to navigate the UI to undo whatever they just accidentally did in addition to correctly pressing the element they originally intended. It's much better for their experience if the phone can detect these overly-sloppy presses and just ignore them, so the only subsequent action is trying to press it again but more carefully. This is where touch rejection comes in, which is a set of complicated rules (and sometimes lately machine learning) that tries to determine the "sloppiness" of a touch and ignores ones that are too sloppy. These algorithms have gotten more aggressive over time as smartphones have become more necessary to operate in society and more idiots who are incapable of using technology are forced to begrudgingly become a higher and higher percentage of users. You, as a likely competent technology user, get to deal with the increased false positives of these more aggressive touch rejection algorithms.


i am tinyman where do i get smolphone?

nerves grow back

I've actually never used phones with curved displays where I suppose that the palm rejection software is the most aggressive. I have a rooted phone, is there a system file that I can delete or edit to remove this palm rejection/"sloppiness detector?

More like your skin gets dryer over time
Smartphone screens work on capacitance and your skin looses that over time
Nerves ain't got nothing to do with it

>is there a system file that I can delete or edit to remove this palm rejection/"sloppiness detector?
