Why do virgins like terminal applications and "ricing" so much?

Why do virgins like terminal applications and "ricing" so much?

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>spend time achieving nothing but self-satisfaction

halal jacking off for "free" virgins

>Why do virgins like terminal applications and "ricing" so much?

Because they can't code.

>Why do virgins like terminal applications
Because I can get more done, faster.

>and "ricing" so much
Boomer detected.

Because they have nothing better to do. Most software developers don't rice their work machines.

Because they think using computers is fun, they need to touch grass

>Because they think using computers is fun
Isn't that all of us?

It's like masturbation but instead of self-shame and supporting evil pornographers, I get a cool looking desktop and a faster easier workflow.

they can't code, so they cope with simple scripting and they have too much time on their hand because of no friends/gf/job

luke doesnt "rice", look, he has default dwm colors
he does stuff to make his computer do things he needs it to do faster, which is something anyone with a pc should do really.
its like the difference between using a shitty laptop touchpad and a decent mouse
you can launch any application you need with a keybind
you can navigate around your file system and applications much better

hey luke

- surplus amounts of time
- fairly easy, and at the same time not popular enough to fake achievement
- the only way they can get real approval of peers

I dont get what's bad about this?
maybe Im thinking about it differently but isnt that ideal?
doing things that you like..

Isn't he a linguist or some shit? I doubt whatever he's doing on his computer needs to be optimized for efficiency or "muh workflow".

You have to do productive things user, stop wasting time with "fun"

It’s easier than actually programming. It was in my case.

stupidly fun "project" to work on

also you can get internet points and praise on r/unixporn and also in the desktop threads

What setup is the guy in OP pic using? A lapboard sitting on the arms of a recliner?

If you feel "shame" for jerking off you should unironically rope. Reddit tier shit

t. cagie wagie

stay mad while neet stays comfy :)

>he thinks he can't reach peak humanity productivity while doing something you love at home

luckily you won't breed