Repo tranny on github is massively butthurt that no one likes his template change to C#

Repo tranny on github is massively butthurt that no one likes his template change to C#

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yawn dead microsoft lang

i noticed this new template change and it's complete garbage.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace MyApp // Note: actual namespace depends on the project name.
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

This is useless bloat. It is a good move by MS to get rid of all that bullshit and let people just write code directly into the file. Who the fuck wants some using, namespace, class bullshit just to print hello world

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hates this fucking change. It's taking "streamlining" to an absurd level. If you cannot handle an explicit main method declaration in a namespace then just fuck off, seriously. Adding weird ambiguities to programming language isn't solving a problem, it just makes things even more confusing in a space that has more than enough confusing and dumb shit to deal with as it is.

this post is useless bloat

typical C++ template programmer
there's one at every company.
he's always a massive sperg dunning-kruger autist too

Reading through the thread, the mental gymnastics to rationalize the change is insane. Can these retards take a step back and actually think about what problem they're trying to solve?

no, they can't step back. change is good, goy. accept it, goy. we'll not acknowledge it except in .NET 7.0 cryptically

It's meant to be a starter template for people actually trying to make something. In which case, you absolutely do want using, namespace, class bullshit.

oh they changed the templates too? I didn't mind having top-level statements but that's kinda bad


i mean its clearly just a feature for demos in presentations. they build for themselves.
It probably shouldnt be the stnadard console app. To me as an experienced developer it makes no difference for fiddle around console apps.

Its gonna confuse new people, but... that ship is sailed. Getting into c# as a newcomer is probably a mess by now. I remember some new guy in our company trying to figure out how he is supposed to decide between if, if else, ternaries, switch statement and switch expression. Trying to find rules and reasons.
All he was trying to do was show some text on a condition.

Use file scoped namespace and then it's fine.
>Imagine thinking you need implicit usings
>What is this args variable?
>has to use unsafe{} now because you can't put it into the type/method declaration anymore
It's really not making things easier.

New template change is fantastic. I hope Microsoft keeps pushing the minimal API stuff too for so I can see code plumbers seethe and cope they don't have to string along 5 different bean factories every time they want a diddler service for their address configurations.

Fuck verbosity fags, fuck geezers, fuck bureaucrats

Change is the best thing to happen ever. Cope and seethe code plumber, your time of doing fake grunt work is over.

> You NEED to have a bunch of useless bullshit!!!
> Why?
> J-just BECAUSE ok! That's how it always was back in my days!!!

holy shit .NET is filled with old geezers who are afraid of top-level statements


>no place to annotate [STAThread]
into the trash it goes

Attached: 1644825189547.png (920x813, 336.16K)

> It's going to make new developers (especially C# developers) real confused about what classes are and why they're so important to OOP when they could just learn them out the box. None of this "Here it's so easy to write code, you just put in statements!" followed by "Surprise! No you can't do that everywhere!"

I fucking knew it. OOP tard geezers at it again.

I hope Microsoft makes it even more minimal, I hope there will come a day when old OOP-geezers actually have to read code again instead of gluing together beans and factories.

>Its gonna confuse new people, but... that ship is sailed
They really don't come up with good fundamental features anymore. Everything new is like a special single-purpose thing duct-taped to the language core principles. Records for example. There's no good justification for them. Initially, they just were readonly classes with constructor and auto implemented equality operators. Classes, structs, record. Then it mutated more into keyword when record structs were introduced. Record classes are immutable. Record structs are mutable. readonly record structs are immutable again. What a fucking mess. BUT...
>still no type classes
>still no HKTs
>still no dependent types
>generic type system still restricted to types so I can't do Matrix * Matrix => Matrix

The pattern matching stuff is pretty good, also like the new expression bodied member stuff.

It sounds like you want F#