Year 2022

>Year 2022
>You can't change the wheel speed on linux desktop
what went wrong?

Attached: scroll1.png (406x462, 16.56K)

Linux desktop is controlled by keyboard.

Attached: Screenshot-Terminal.png (660x442, 6.38K)

werks on my machine

Attached: Screenshot_20220312_042228.png (1162x762, 60.17K)

>Year 2022
>still uses mouse
your fault for using deprecated tech

don't lie on the internet, that's not in default settings

if it is then go ahead and name the distro, and I will install it and test it

>default settings
This was never specified as a requirement.

Both my WM and my xorg.conf have settings for this. Not my fault you're pisslessly scared to open a dotfile and change a couple values.

there's also a patch for libinput that will do this

Manjaro KDE with Wayland

Im pretty sure manjaro xfce has it
also Im pretty sure you can download those settings on any distro

>default settings
what default settings? you realise this depends entirely on
>desktop environment
>how it was set up
>what settings menus are installed by default
>how the mouse is handled (using x or wayland etc)

in any version of the linux kernal you can adjust mouse settings with simple commands or config files. most distributions of GNU/Linux have desktop environments with mouse settings like this. gnome, KDE and XFVE all do for example. and you can install any number of gui menus for xinput, if changing settings via command line is too much.

there are many things to fault linux and distributions of gnu/linux for, but this is not one of them; youre just too retarded ro understand how anything works


You can literally change everything on Linux

any value other than 1 is retarded.
i use windows, never touched linux outside a vm.

Attached: fischl.jpg (2000x3000, 2.2M)

i set it to 100 and my wheel spins so fast now im afraid it will fly off

>what default settings?
>This was never specified as a requirement.

these are the mentally ill retards who spend hours making their hobby troon OS usable while crying about Windows having telemetry and not being able to disable it with a few clicks.
funny how when it comes to Windows you instantly turn into drooling retards
>why should i set it up myself??

unironically off yourselves

It just effects scrolling on the computer. I know you were trying to be funny, but you weren't.

Are these "trannies" in the room with us right now, micropede?

>I will install it and test it
do it faggot

oh look, another person incapable of thinking about anything without having trannies flood to the forefront of their mind. the only people i've ever known with this problem eventually change their name and cut off bodyparts.
>mentally ill
obviously projection, seeing as you're obsessively fixated on transsexuals.

Reminder that threads like this are simply thinly veiled tech support threads. Report them and move on.