Arch is 20 years old
Say something nice about it Any Forums

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I like the old logo. Best distro. I have been using since 2015.

Very useful and frictionless one you get things started.

Transparent and minimal. Enough installed to get you off the ground, but not too much to prevent you from tailoring it to your tastes. God tier wiki.

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Happy birthday Arch-tan, you're the best!

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I've been using Arch since 2006, it's been through a lot of ups and downs, but it's in an amazing state right now, don't think I can use another distribution on my desktop.

I've only been using it for around 6 years but same. It's so straightforward and easy that makes you question what other distro maintainers are even doing

Happy birthday, the one distro choice of newfag trannies that are scared of gentoo so they install arch to be "le edgy lenxu user"

I love you Arch, you're my go-to distro for servers.

>add a pretty interactive installer
20 years lul

Gave me my first "barebones" linux experience and taught me a lot. Made me a better sysadmin. I no longer use it at home or at a work, but I don't have bad memories. Wish them success in the future, even though my personal systems are all non-systemd.

>placebo march

I started using Arch about 6 years ago after a coworker made fun of me for using Ubuntu. Best thing that ever happened to me.

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HB to the distro that cured my distro hopping and ricing.


A waste of time but I like the old logo.

Best binary distro with systemd

I've heard of it