Linux distros for gaming?

I want to switch from Windows, but there are a lot of distros to choose from. Do you know Linux distros that focus on gaming? I just want to play new libre games.

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Download SteamOS 3. Or Pop_OS.

She better have a penis

Attached: 1416867709554.gif (298x67, 16.68K)

das a mane

Any distro will do fine, some just give you less headaches.
If using NVIDIA consider pop!_os because they have an image that ships with the proprietary drivers.
Most distros have an easy way to install them anyway, even fucking arch has the option in their install script (fucking boo me, archniggers).
Don't fall for manjaro, sure it's beginner friendly but it has it's issues outlined here:

Linux mint is pretty cool too if you're used to windows.

Hands give it away

how about kubuntu?


Pretty decent choice i'd say, KDE is a nice DE.
Does not ship with NVIDIA proprietary drivers so you'd have to install them yourself, which can be a bit of a headache.
So if using NVIDIA read this:

That's a man's ass.

And that's a good thing!

Not the obvious bulge you can clearly see!

most games with anticheats will not work. some anticheats like battleye will even ban you if it detects you are playing in a VM (if using gpu passthrough on linux)

Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE, Mint - any will do the job. There are "gaming distros" like but I don't know if they actually offer anything that standard distros don't.

>libre games


Those nails are fucking disgusting holy shit I would throw up if they tried to wrap those disgusting things around my cock

Unironically arch. Is that a mam or a feman?

Cock & balls are dangling between those legs, bro.

You just wanted to post this crap

Attached: 0f3786cdad18f5583323afed223497c142cbe9f111264c03d8ea2682c56b158f_1.jpg (575x620, 49.75K)

If there is a hole, there is a way.

Any distro is fine, if you're not a ricing autist then just choose something popular because that will make it easier to Google potential problems and get help.
>Linux Mint
>Some variant of Ubuntu

That better be a guy.

Artix is pretty good for gayming.
Also, sauce on that trap?


I sure hope so.

wtf i'm gae

Even better.

Attached: bueno clam.gif (320x180, 829.08K)