Why is Brave based after recent crypto controversy?

Some time ago there was a controversy about Brave browser that it is mining crypto without consent and it's not really privacy focused because of that.

Please tell me bros what has changed.

Attached: va99x7g1aoi61.jpg (1651x2027, 275.41K)

idk but speaking of browser and privacy, brave is just probably the least asshole in chromium browsers hence why it's "based".

If you want a somewhat acceptable out-of-the-box chromium experience brave is the way. If you have more than 5 brain cells use chromium with codecs or use any firefox based browser, although Mozilla is pretty gay so it's all shit

>a web browser
>mining crypto
>mining crypto = violates privacy

Someone this retarded must use trannyfox.

Attached: EDeQpTkXUAUirxe.png (800x800, 276.05K)

yeah well not being a doomer but the whole web browser and search engine is just keep going downhill.

why do does he have clown hair in profile pic

cool icon, thanks user

>crypto mining violates privacy

In parts that is correct, as mining coins requires the use of the respective p2p network repeatedly during the mining operation. You therefore reduce your privacy compared to not mining.

if you REALLY want to use a chromium fork then ungoogled chromium / brave are the only *usable* two options (I wouldn't even classify them as decent but hey, that's what you get if you want chromium).
If you want a real privacy focused browser just use librewolf, it's firefox detrannied (ublock origin preinstalled, telemetry & co disabled, settings changed to prevent tracking).

Ungoogled Chromium is one of the worst browsers for privacy. It only removes the requests to Google. Also, what do you mean by "real privacy"?

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JavaScript is Turing-complete. A modern browser should be able to do anything including mining crypto.

>Ungoogled Chromium is one of the worst browsers for privacy

>I wouldn't even classify them as decent but hey, that's what you get if you want chromium

always better than chrome

yeah, there is some discussion about this on the ungoogled github

basically ungoogled chromium is what it says, chromium ungoogled
it's not really a privacy browser, though they have disabled "unmasked gpu renderer string" which does not have a real use case other than identification. they have not changed anything that might break a website

>Why is Brave based

Attached: 1616087327227.png (534x940, 291.84K)

Vivaldi bros is this true?

I meant to say that it did not told users that it is doing something with mining in the background. Sorry if I was a bit retared there, I'm kinda retarded.

Attached: op-is-a-retard.jpg (340x340, 58.74K)

Thank you, I'm switching.
Was using Vivaldi. Told you I was retarded.

that hero was racist for saving that white child

The woman in OP's image is dead. Don't believe me? Google... why would OP post the out of content comment of a woman who has passed?

If she is really a tranny I would be suprised if she was alive.