Firefox Falkon Equivalent?

Want to stop using chromium but I cant find an equivalent to Falkon on Firefox. I don't want/need a pdf viewer in my browser and I care a lot less about privacy than I do minimalism.

Attached: falkon.png (1200x1200, 144.98K)


Attached: weredooomed.jpg (184x184, 5.33K)

There aren't any gecko-based browsers that aren't firefox forks.
The closest there is would be pale moon which is based off of an old version of FF and was maintained by some fat autists, but pale moon is fucking garbage

Attached: 1622148920900.webm (1600x846, 2.37M)

Yeah I know, used palememe for a while and after the whole malepoon thing happened I realized the nature of the dev team and switched to ungoogled.

Is conkeror any good? I'm installing it right now and it's only hosted on palemoon repos which concerns me- also it has palemoon as a build dependency


I'd be happy with surf, but the defaults are a little too useless for me. Any good builds u know of?

idk, all the fa/g/s on Any Forums just want minimalism and performance. i guess ungoogled chromium

>I don't want/need a pdf viewer in my browser and I care a lot less about privacy than I do minimalism.
Then install surf or badwolf. Oh wait, you actually want an incredibly bloated browser like Falkon that leads you around by the cock, but hides settings and configuration from you so it seems "minimalist"? Then keep using your shitty 8-months-out-of-date chromium wrapper.

if i wanted chromium id just keep using falkon
every time i make a thread i get retards like you putting words in my mouth and trying to start an argument. Read and and maybe try to contribute something.

Attached: 1636874900367_20220309103726657.jpg (1720x1720, 1.07M)

why did noone tell me cokeror is 5 years outdated

>disfunctional more often than firefox
is there a reason to use this besides autism?

You know you can just disable the PDF viewer right? In about:config set pdfjs.disabled to true.
And here's a few others for achieving more minimalism:

Been using firefox for the past hour and I already deleted that screenshot and pocket thing in /lib/firefox/browser/features but thanks anyways
found what I wanted it's called qutebrowser
written in python but I have plenty of cpu and ram to throw at it and it has VIM BINDINGS how cool is that?

Good choice.

if its so insecure, go ahead and hack me

SeaMonkey is what you're looking for, but it sucks

SeaMonkey is the last functional non spyware browser left

seamonkey isn't a firefox fork.
it also isn't minimal.

>seamonkey isn't a firefox fork.
Yes it is. Or more accurately, Seamonkey is based off of Thunderbirds customized firefox fork. So it's a double fork. They do make a lot of bespoke engine changes to the rendering pipeline though

>thunderbirds firefox fork
Just say rendering engine or whatever. Its fine either way and its a good full featured internet suite

>it isn't minimal
Who cares. Minimalism is a meme. Use dillo if that matters to you