What would happen if we ditch x86 and go arm all together tomorrow?

What would happen if we ditch x86 and go arm all together tomorrow?

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locked bootloaders
binary blobs
anything that doesn't have special hardware acceleration runs at Pentium 2 speeds

I'll have to figure out a way to make my 1070 work with my raspberry pi

We'd all be yoked to shit slow Chromebooks or Macfag devices. It's a shame Acorn went out of business.

No expansion. Soldered-down CPU. Which is actually a SoC with everything integrated, you get what you get and that's it. Soldered-down RAM. No PCI-E slots. No storage, you get some soldered-down eMMC and that's all you get.

fippy bippy
x86 is far better right now for the sole reason that the manufacturers don't fuck with the software

Alright now are some of the pros to this system?

No more video games.

None of end user. It's all about advantages for the company producing it
>OS vendor lock-in
>no third party applications
>no ability to sign your own binaries
>no ability to compile source code without vendor's key
>limited local storage all end users files live in your "cloud"
>can restrict your cloud + websites + services to "approved" devices (anything with unlocked bootloader gets b&)
>ability to remotely brick end user's system
>ability to spy on end user at hardware/OS level (already possible but this makes it even worse)
>hardware is cheaper to produce
>can sell hardware as massive mark-up and/or force end user into long term contract+renting

I'm sure I could come up with more. It's all about vendor lock-in and scraping the end user for all the meta data they're worth. They aren't making money from ads. They're making the money piping the meta data to think-tanks, propaganda outlets, and the alphabet boys. If you have a platform like Facebook, Any Forums, reddit or Twitter you basically get a digital crystal ball. You get real time feedback on how your propaganda is doing and you can shut down any information you don't want the public to know about. You can even study how the info spreads and only target the "influencers" within the swarm. Shills claim no one is important enough to be spied on. If that were true why would an entire industry be the most valuable in the world that is based around bulk data collection?

ARM for desktop/laptops will basically turn them into smart phones.

Yeah pluton is coming. Hold onto your old hardware

Don't be surprised if old hardware stops being able to access to web. Cloudflare, google and similar CDNs already block a large portion of the IPv4 range for being "suspicious" and "bot activity". I'm expecting these big providers to stop allowing untrusted devices (read: your PC) on their networks soon. You'll be labeled a spooky Russian hacker if you don't have the TPM or whatever other method they want to use for identification purposes. They're trying to bring the concept of the sim card to PC. They want a unique identifier beyond the hash of your hardware config.

Don't be surprised if it goes beyond the web and those big CDNs. If they wanted they could block all unapproved devices at the ISP level. The ISP provided router could simply deny devices like that access. Or they can do it at the ISP headend. Most users in America are already locked out of their own modem/router device. Every major ISP is shipping routers/modems without a user accessible control panel. My ISP forces you to call customer service to do basic shit like rebooting the router.

Well then no more Any Forums for me.its been happy shitposting

Any Forums would probably still work. They don't require you to get fingerprinted or solve a captcha, I assume the cloudflare protection is on low. But all of the other social media/big tech sites, they will block you off.

And nothing of value was lost...

>Every major ISP is shipping routers/modems without a user accessible control panel.
jesus fuck america (and in turn the rest of the modern world) is doomed

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It started about 2 years ago user. I can still get into mine but it's because I've supplied my own. There are only 3 modems my ISP will let me use if I buy it myself.

All my normalfag friends go an "update" a year or two ago. Cable company came around and upgraded everyone's modem. It's a router+modem combo unit. You pay them $5 for the wifi service. If you don't it gets disabled remotely. I had to open ports on my friend's router. It required a 20+ minute call to customer support with three different reps. Last one finally understood what I wanted. He put the device I wanted to open a port for in the DMZ...

Some of them have tricks to access the control panel but they close any exploits quickly. They push updates to the modems all of the time. They switched to IPv6 for awhile. But they had to switch back to NAT after a week because no one had a firewall. All their customer's devices were directly connected to the internet with a public IP. The bots were hitting our area so hard trying to remote ssh or pwn Windows boxes that they DDOS'ed my entire area. ISP had to shut everyone down and slowly roll out modem update to put everyone back on NAT.

this shit should be illegal, you guys have no way to protest against these?

Oh I forgot to mention. If you pay that $5 monthly wifi fee you get access to wifi on any customer's account. So you can drive around town leeching warez on other people's bandwidth and there is nothing they can do to stop you.

Or you can not be a retard and supply your own router or wifi hotspot. That's what I do. The ISP tries to jew me and re-add that fee all of the time. Every time I call to have it turned back off they try to sell me iphones and cell phone service (only $89 a month when you bundle user!). They forced me to buy TV service for a year. They forced me to buy AppleTV device to turn on my modem. These fags have monopoly and get away with everything.

In the last year I've paid them over $300 in fees that I didn't owe. They keep adding TV service and wifi charges to my account. They're saying I'm going to have to start using ISP provided modem soon instead of my own. For "security" purposes of course.

The new Thinkpad X13s will have a Snapdragon cpu.
It will be crucial to see if Lenovo allow you to install linux, I'd rather use 10 year old hw than be stuck with windows on arm.

>You pay them $5 for the wifi service. If you don't it gets disabled remotely.
the absolute state

>this shit should be illegal, you guys have no way to protest against these?
people don't care that's why they do it in the first place

>normalfags ruin everything
im not even surprised at this point

user normalfags won't even protest a blatantly stolen election, media fueled riots, or a bullshit pandemic hoax. You expect them to march against ISP monopolies?

We tried for a long time. Government shut it down. A town near me laid its own fiber network in 2003. It sits unused to this day. The cable monopoly ISP lobbied the state Government and made building your own networks illegal. There are thousands of miles of unused fiber in America. Lots of small towns built out their own networks because the cable and phone companies wouldn't build out. As soon as they were ready to turn them on the cable company would get some judge to shut it down. I watched it happen over and over again.

The time to fight this was 1999-2006. No one cared. As soon as the smart phones came out normalfags stop giving any fucks about broadband at home. These retards don't even understand the difference between wifi, cell network, and cable line. I hear normalfags bitching and moaning about their wifi not working when they're miles away from their home. It's frustrating:

>user why doesn't my wifi work?
>uhhhh because we're at Burger King?
Then you give them the full explanation about what wifi is and why it only works at their house. They pretend to understand. But the next time you see them they'll ask you the same stupid dumb ass question. Then they go tell other people that you're a smart ass and won't help them.

These are the people that you expect to do anything? Good luck. The richfags are right about the goyim. They're cattle. They aren't like you and me.

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