/ilu/ - I Love Userscripts

Userscripts are a way to add extra functionality to a site using Javascript.
To use them, add the Violentmonkey extension to your browser.
(It is the best open source userscript manager.
It works better and looks better than the rest.)

>Userscripts That Make Any Forums Better
Any Forums X: Any Forums-x.net/
OneeChan: github.com/KevinParnell/OneeChan

>Where To Get More Userscripts
GitHub Gists: gist.github.com/search?q===UserScript== (Search for ==UserScript==)
Greasy Fork: greasyfork.org/en

>Userscript Development Resources
How To Write A Userscript: simply-how.com/enhance-and-fine-tune-any-web-page-the-complete-user-scripts-guide
GM_* API: violentmonkey.github.io/api/gm/

What userscripts do you love and why?
Also, have you ever written a userscript?
(It's probably one of the easiest and most practical ways to get into programming.)

Previous Thread: desuarchive.org/g/thread/85632233/

Attached: 0b169da8031bf19049c609d6c847a587.jpg (1280x720, 39.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Add a button to links, torrents, magnets that can be downloaded through real debird, for unrestricted downloading.

Userstyle discussion is also welcome in this thread.
They are a great way to make web sites more beautiful.
It's also really handy for when you want to make a small
but persistent CSS tweak to a site.
To use them, add the Stylus extension to your browser.

>Top-Tier Stylus Themes
Dark GitHub - userstyles.world/style/2/dark-github
YouTube DeepDark Material - userstyles.world/style/50/youtube-deepdark-material

Both of the above themes are configurable and come with many preset color themes.
Pic-related is the above YouTube theme using
Ubuntu-Purple color preset.

The overarching theme of this thread is taking control over your web browsing experience.

Attached: screenshot-www.youtube.com-2022.03.08-18_39_34.png (1268x1301, 1.18M)

The code for the userscript looks fairly neat, but I've never used read-debrid before.
What's your main use-case for this userscript?

Downloading stuff from DDS
Rather than paying lots of random file hosting sites for premium, you pay real debird and can unrestrict a lot of different posters.
Plus, you can add a torrent to real debird and it downloads on their servers. And if it's already cached on their servers you can download it at full speed straight away.

why do people use tampermonkey over violentmonkey

I can think of a few reasons.
1. Familiarity - It existed before Violentmonkey, and it still works, so some people might stick with it because they're used to it.
2. Vendor Lock In - Tampermonkey took some liberties with the GM API, and added a few more functions. If you use one of those rare userscripts that depend on a Tampermonkey-exclusive function, you have to use Tampermonkey.

A big reason people use Violentmonkey is because it's open source whereas Tampermonkey changed to a proprietary license a few years ago.

If you use Safari, Tampermonkey might be your only option.

Dark GitHub with the Horizon color preset

Attached: screenshot-github.com-2022.03.08-19_44_05.png (1268x1301, 902.31K)

I have to recommend this userscript to everyone on Any Forums who looks at code here. If you post code in Any Forums, you will benefit from this even more.

This uses hljs to fix the broken syntax highlighting in Any Forums, and it looks beautiful too.

The most recent iteration of this code was posted in in this thread:


Attached: screenshot-boards.4channel.org-2022.03.08-21_07_40.png (2061x912, 294.59K)

what font?

I added this to my Any Forums X settings.
div.post {
font-family: "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font", sans-serif;
line-height: 1.3em;

I have that font installed locally.
You can find it at NerdFonts.


audiobookbay.fi userscript: adds magnet link to the audiobook page instead of requiring sign-in flow that is often broken.


*needs someone to edit the tld to .fi

>why do people use tampermonkey over violentmonkey
According to OneeChan's README, there are legit reasons to use TamperMonkey or even GreaseMonkey depending on what browser you're using.

Attached: 2022-03-09_01-08.png (1252x879, 152.6K)

>Do you use Any Forums X?

Attached: 79f1f69d3997cbb60fbb975418bf73f4.jpg (735x736, 63.21K)

how on earth are they still operating? I guess technically they only repeat the bits like any ISP router does.


>still uses strawpoll.me
>doesn't realize it's broken and will never show anything above 0

the scripts I used for preventing autoplay on youtube broke and Im not fixing them myself

Is there any userscript that does what h264ify extension does, as in lets you choose what coded you want to use?

Attached: screencrop.jpg (616x625, 216.71K)

There's literally a toggle button inside the player, you don't need a script for this

it's your pref cookies, delete them and it goes back to saving autoplay state that broke recently for all of us. I tried installing the tweaks extension to fix it but it was the del pref cookies that fixed it.

Based thread