Is it even possible to have cracked spotify on iphone 8=

Is it even possible to have cracked spotify on iphone 8=

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Just download music ffs

i want spotify ffs. you see the pattern here?

How could you be so poor that you can’t afford spotify but also can afford iphone?

yes that's called unc0ver + spotilife mod (via cydia) or spotify++

because I got fee iphone from my job company. why do you have to ask such questions?

is it possible on non jailbrake iphone?

yes, but I'm not telling since you're rude

i'll tell him, because you're being mean.
convince me, otherwise i'll tell him how to do it.

telling people that they are missleading people with questions is not being rude, user...

>bro i want to pay to globohomo company for mp3s what doesnt even owned by them

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based ESL

none of those words were grammatically correct english


no. he's trying to CRACK the app.
not only is this piracy, it's even worse than piracy because it actually wastes the company's bandwidth, which is more based than just downloading the music.

copen harder nigger

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Lurking until you retards settle this fight and post the crack..

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apple likes to hold your dick for you, so no.

most based form of piracy

sound quality is shit 256kbs, earlet

bumb bump keep aliiiiiiiveeeeeee

no! :)

AltStore but you have to renew certificate every week and it's pain in the ass. Shitty piracy is the only reason I still use Android, not gonna pay for fucking Youtube Premium.

yes yeeeesss